
Annual report of NPO activities reflecting on the past and anticipating the future (April 2018)
As mentioned in the original Prospectus of our NPO, which was founded in April 2015 with with lofty goals, will enter its fourth year in 2018. We will verify objectively and scientifically the history of Yokohama’s town planning since the 1960s, as directed by Akira Tamura, the eminent urban planner of post-war Japan. Yokohama, which ran at the forefront of town planning innovation in Japan, is also expected to be studied from the perspective of global planning history and accordingly to become a hub of international exchange in terms of planning research and practice. This is the primary purpose of our NPO. Its secondary purpose is to help utilize the results of our research activities for the next generation.
As three years have passed since the establishment of our organization, we are now ready to focus on the conference of the International Planning History Society (IPHS) which is to be held in July of this year, in Yokohama. To mark this occasion we proposed to establish a panel titled “The Genesis of Yokohama’s Strategic Planning Environment: Reflecting on the Contribution of Akira Tamura and His Work” consisting of dissertation presentations by members of our organization. This proposal has been successfully accepted by the committee of the IPHS. Through the opportunity to attend, we are determined to disseminate the work of Tamura, using English, to the world. From the IPHS conference going forward, international research interaction such as visits from overseas scholars to Yokohama is expected to increase and we are ready to welcome them.
While the content of our research is subject to empirical analysis, objective data collection on the town planning process during the term of mayor Asukata and planner Tamura is required. Based on the results of our research so far, some members are enthusiastically pursuing the innovative application of our research results in other countries or regions. In addition, the uniqueness of Akira Tamura’s organizational management lies in human resource development and utilization, therefore a sociological research initiative focused on this aspect has already been launched by a young member. Future developments in this field are expected to continue apace .
Since the inauguration of the NPO, many members have addressed our meetings, left us with records of their research, and we have also opened the website of NPO. Valuable material and data obtained through cooperation with related organizations at the time of research has been published on the website.
Objectives of the NPO
1. Empirical research on Akira Tamura and his work in a global context
2. Dissemination of research materials and results to the public
3. Utilization of research results for the next generation and overseas countries
4. Progressive interaction among people concerned with Akira Tamura
We hope that all people concerned with town planning will consistently and kindly support the research activities of our NPO.
設立以降の継続的な研究会活動から発展して、今年7月には国際都市計画史学会(International Planning History Society, IPHS)横浜大会に、当NPO法人からも“The Genesis of Yokohama’s Strategic Planning Environment: Reflecting on the Contribution of Akira Tamura and His Work” 『横浜における戦略的都市計画の曙:田村明とその仕事から俯瞰する』として、当会会員による論文発表で構成される『田村明分科会』を当該国際研究学会で設置運営することになりました。田村明とその仕事を、ようやく英語により世界に発信する段階に至りつつあります。今後、田村明を訪ねる海外からの研究者等の来訪など、国際的研究交流が期待されます。
1. 田村明とそのまちづくりに関する実証的研究の推進
2. 研究成果と収集資料のNPOが運営するHP上での公開
3. 未来につなぐ研究成果の発展的活用の検討
4. 田村明につながる人々との交流促進

NPO法人 田村明記念・まちづくり研究会
(英文名称:Akira Tamura Memorial - A Town Planning Research Initiative NPO)
Original prospectus established at the inception of the NPO in 2015
In 1963, mayor Ichio Asukata proposed a new policy to “revitalize the city environment to make it a city in which anyone would want to live”, to regenerate the urban center devastated by the war and the landing of the Allied Army and subsequent requisition of a vast area, and to control the suburban housing development where disorderly development was progressing organically. At a time there was neither a planning authority nor financial strength in Yokohama, they gathered wisdom and creativity and became independent. In 1965 they announced the plan for “Six Spine Projects”, and started comprehensive urban development. The framework for Yokohama municipal projects such as Minato Mirai 21, Kohoku New Town, etc., was based on this plan.
In the process of town planning, Akira Tamura, an eminent urban planner and newly appointed head of city planning by mayor Asukata, fomented lively debate among city government bureaus, national government ministries, public corporations affiliated to ministries, private companies, consultants, and citizens. Tamura finally succeeded in creating a new mechanism for the area of local town planning. Against that background, the NPO has come to hear various stories about Tamura weaved together with those people who were involved in city development. Moreover, there is a wealth of useful materials that may be utilized to research town planning, but which are not well organized, verified, and studied from an empirical point of view. Therefore, in December 2013, we aimed to contribute to town planning for the coming year, and a voluntary group named “Integration of town planning Yokohama and Akira Tamura - research group” was established.
To date, there have been several seminars, for example “Tamura and his family members”, “The process behind the city government decision to change the elevated motorway underground in the central area in 1968”, “Adaption and abolition of Yokohama’s special zoning code restricting volume of residential use”, and “Takashi Asada of the environmental development centre as an avant-garde planner and Akira Tamura”. The common goal” (among participants) was to discover research materials and hear from the people concerned, and create an archive for town planning history. In addition, we have started to assemble 300,000 unnamed slides of domestic and foreign cities left by Akira Tamura. His innovative theory and practice progressed from the city planning of Yokohama towards a “citizen’s government”.
What has been visible through our past activities is the dynamic interaction of the many people promoting town planning. Beyond the plans recorded on paper, a vivid picture of people who struggled through collisions of various values and interests but who sought optimal solutions can be seen. We wanted to pass the baton from the present runners to future citizens and planners considering how to conduct town planning by creating a vision that is sympathetic in both headwinds and doldrums, and that will be a catalyst for progress.
On that basis, we decided to establish a dedicated study group of people who share a passion for the city planning history of Yokohama and the work of Akira Tamura. From the mid-1960s until the late 1970s the local government of Yokohama was a pioneer of independent and integrated city planning approaches. These were initiated by the then mayor, Ichio Asukata, and directed by his visionary planning advisor Akira Tamura. Although the leaders of the city and its surrounding environment have changed substantially, the rationales and visions that may be gleaned from studying Yokohama’s city planning history will be useful for future generations. Young people will need courageous attitudes and a sound knowledge base to approach the challenges they face in an unpredictable future. For this purpose, we will continue research activities and maintain our website as a source of knowledge and expertise for people in Japan and around the world.
In addition, we will help people with the same research objectives unite together through the funds donated from Mrs. Makiko Tamura, widow of Akira Tamura, to support those who participate in our research.
NPO法人 田村明記念・まちづくり研究会 設立代表者
理事会メンバー Board members(2024年7月1日~2026年6月30日)
理事長 President
遠藤包嗣(えんどうかねつぐ)元港北区長 Kanetsugu Endo
副理事長 Vice-president
田口 俊夫(たぐち としお)まちづくり研究家/博士(都市計画)Toshio Taguchi
理事 Other board members
田村千尋(たむらちひろ)田村明の実弟で化学者 Chihiro Tamura
関根 龍太郎(せきね りゅうたろう)現代まちづくり塾会員 Ryutarou Sekine
檜槇 貢(ひまき みつぐ)元佐世保市役所 Mitugu Himaki
南 学(みなみ まなぶ)都市経営コンサルタント Manabu Minami
青木淳弘(あおき あつひろ)早稲田大学非常勤講師 Atsuhiro Aoki
監事 Auditor
川﨑洋子(かわさきひろこ)建築家 Hiroko Kawasaki
遠藤包嗣・新理事長 経歴紹介
1949年3月 横浜市南区に生まれる
1967年4月 東京都立大学工学部土木工学科に入学
1971年4月 横浜市企画調整室企画課に配属(金沢地先埋立事業の調整・推進を担当)
1976年4月 計画局港北ニュータウン建設課(宅造部門担当)
1979年2月 港北ニュータウン建設課で係長に昇任(事業計画担当)
1984年10月 都市整備局企画課(新横浜周辺・国の機関誘致を担当)
1989年5月 都市整備局上大岡駅周辺再開発事務所所長
1993年6月 港湾局みなとみらい21建設部計画担当課長
1996年4月 企画局プロジェクト推進室次長(5ヵ年計画見直し担当)
1997年6月 オリンピック・パラリンピック招致担当部長(兼務)
1998年5月 (株)横浜みなとみらい21企画部長に出向(企業誘致・赤レンガ倉庫
2001年4月 港湾局赤レンガ倉庫担当部長
2002年5月 (財)横浜港埠頭公社に出向
2003年4月 道路局港北土木事務所長
2005年10月 港北区長に就任
2009年4月 横浜市退職、(財)帆船日本丸記念財団副会長就任(~13年)
2016年7月 NPO法人田村明記念・まちづくり研究会理事