A pristine young couple from Korea visited our organization in August 2018 and the joint research project between them and us concerned with Akira Tamura and his book entitled “a theory of citizen’s government” would be launched soon. Ms. Kukuhee Yeo, Ph.D. student of Kyung Hee University, and Mr. Hiroki Miura, Researcher at the Institute of Korean Political Studies of Seoul National University with Ph.D. in Political Science, have recently married and they are seemingly good partners on their research activities too. During their stay in Japan they visited several areas planned by Akira Tamura being guided by Mr. Aoki and Mr. Taguchi. We welcome them who have become our new members of NPO Tamura. この度2018年8月、韓国から素敵なカップルの研究者が当NPOを訪れました。田村明の『市民の政府論』を研究するためで、近々当NPOと日韓共同研究がスタートします。呂菊喜さんは慶煕大学大学院博士課程の学生で、三浦大樹さんはソウル大学韓国政治研究所の研究員(政治学博士)です。横浜では当NPOの青木さんと田口が案内して、田村明さんに関る計画地を訪問しました。お二人は当NPOの会員にもなっていただきました。