Does coordination mean a compromise by the Japanese understanding ?
by Toshio Taguchi 発表者:田口俊夫
While planners are always searching better solutions for town planning activities, they become conscious of the need to coordinate tangled issues among concerned parties. We, Japanese people, are tend to use the word of coordination in good meaning in order to reach an acceptable result for most people concerned, however, it might be different in the American society. Some people may say that there is no grey area, instead clearly cut such as black or white, in that society. Akira Tamura, the chief planner of the City of Yokohama in 1968, succeeded to make the project of the new urban motorway partly undergrounded and rerouted through relentless negotiations with concerned parties. It is an issue as to how we can call it a success of coordination or a result of compromise. At the same year Jane Jacobs beat Robert Moses on the citizen’s opposing movement against the Lower Manhattan Expressway project in New York. They did not try to reach a compromise, neither a coordination among the state and city governments and the citizens. They claimed that they did not want any highway in the middle of their residential district. Then in 1970 an American scholar, who was very young at that time and later became a dean of law school, wrote a dissertation to figure out the necessity of coordination machinery within public authority that should work having with different views but economic effects for people.

A study group to investigate the notion of citizen’s government by Akira Tamura
by Atsuhiro Aoki 発表者:青木淳弘
A voluntary study group has been set up recently within our NPO being consisted of five members. First of all the group challenged to read through all minutes of Zushi town-making committee chaired by Akira Tamura since 1986 until 1993 as to how Tamura considered the concept of citizens and its government. The City of Zushi was the municipal authority that had a local dispute of forests preservation where the central government intended to construct numerous housing for the American navy’s families. The opposition movement faction succeeded to elect two consecutive mayors, Kiichiro Tomino and Mitsuyo Sawa, from their members who run the city administration for ten years. Then another mayor, Mr. Ryuichi Hirai, was the person who had participated the Tamura’s committee when he was a university student. We assume that the City of Zushi is a right example from the viewpoint of citizen’s government.