Do you know Tokuzo Matsumoto?
There were three men who supported Mayor Asukada's liberal city administration: Masayasu Narumi, the deputy head of the Planning and Coordination Department, Akira Tamura, the head of the Planning and Coordination Section of the Department, and Tokuzo Matsumoto, the head of the Urban Science Research Section of the Department. All three are now deceased, but the philosophy and passion they left behind for future generations still faintly exist today. Of the three, Tokuzo Matsumoto, a former reporter for the Asahi Shimbun, aimed to create a local government administration that cared for every citizen. In June 1971, he became the first head of the Urban Science Research Section, which promoted an administration based on empirical data for the Planning and Coordination Department led by Tamura. In the process, as a citizen himself, he aimed at fostering administrative staff with an analytical perspective on citizens' daily lives, and was admired by many young staff. We have asked people involved in Matsumoto’s activities to share their memories of those days and what the planning and coordination function was that Tamura and his colleagues were aiming for. We have also included some material related to Matsumoto. Please visit the website of our NPO.