2022年7月5日(火)と6日(水)の二日間でオランダ・デルフト工科大学を会場にして、国際都市計画史学会International Planning History Society(本部はロンドン)の大会が開催された。当NPOからも淺川賢司と田口俊夫が参加した。大会はそもそも2020年にモスクワで開催されるものであったが、コロナ禍があり、そしてロシアによるウクライナ侵略があり、延期され、ついには会場変更となった。この大会も基本的にリモート参加が主体となり、我々もリモートで参加して発表した。リモートで、かつ英語という環境でも国際会議のため、会場運営や音声の問題もあり、特に運営者にとっては大変な大会となった。
The conference of the International Planning History Society (headquartered in London) was held at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands on 5 (Tue) and 6 (Wed) July 2022. Kenji Asakawa and Toshio Taguchi participated from NPO. The conference was originally scheduled to be held in Moscow in 2020, but due to the Covid 19 disaster and the Russian invasion to Ukraine, it was postponed and finally the venue was changed. The conference was also held remotely, and we gave our presentation remotely. Even though the conference was held remotely and in English, it was an international conference, so there were problems with venue management and audio, making it a particularly difficult conference for the organisers, I presume.
One of the 37 breakout sessions Taguchi participated in was a historical study on the issues of urban infrastructure. It was chaired by Professor Demura of Gifu University, Japan, and speakers were Demura himself, Taguchi, a Chinese postgraduate student and a Spanish university professor. Each gave a 20-minute presentation and took questions. There seemed to be about a dozen people in the audience. At the end, there was not enough time and the session ended with only a couple of questions. Taguchi's presentation on 'Planning and Coordination Functions of Underground Motorways' was a success. After the conference, I received a long email from the presenter, a Chinese postgraduate student, saying that she was interested in the 'planning and coordination function' and would like to learn about it. I immediately gave her the English translation of Akira Tamura's 'Creating an Urban Yokohama', which is available on our NPO's website. The need for a planning and coordination function was also recognised, as an urban redevelopment project in a regional city in Spain, following the undergrounding of a railway line, has come to a halt due to poor coordination between the national, provincial and municipal authorities.
The biggest problem was that the main body of the paper had not arrived in the hands of the participants, although we had prepared a PowerPoint presentation and a manuscript for the presentation. I was able to send it to the chairman in advance, but the details could not be understood without reading the main body of the paper. Nevertheless, we were happy if, by conveying the main points, we were able to make the participants understand the value of the paper, even if only a little. (Toshio Taguchi)
私は7月6日に、Urban Analysis というタイトルのセッションで"Managing Urban Growth using Soft-law – Lessons learnt from Yokohama in 1960s/70s and Koto in 2000s"という論考を発表しました。同じセッションになったとはいえ、通常の学会のように問題意識などに重なるところがあるわけではなく、特に私の発表はIPHSでは異端だったと思います。最近でこそ学際的なテーマをかかげる学会が増えてきましたが、学際的な分野をテーマとした論文は発表する場によって議論の視点が大きく異なるだけではなく、評価もまったく異なったものになるというのを改めて感じた次第です。(淺川賢司)
I attended the IPHS biannual conference, which was held July 5-6 in Delft. That conference was originally to be held in 2020 after the previous conference in Yokohama 2020, but was postponed due to the COVID pandemic. In addition, the secretariat seemed to be confused because of the many unusual circumstances, including venue change from Moscow to Delft due to the Ukraine crisis. So, participants voluntarily called for thank-you messages to the secretariat, which I had not seen at the previous Yokohama meeting.
On July 6, I presented a paper entitled "Managing Urban Growth using Soft-law - Lessons learned from Yokohama in 1960s/70s and Koto in 2000s" at the session titled "Urban Analysis". Among the members of the session, we hardly found a common basis for research questions and/or approaches as we often do at the similar academic conferences, My presentation looks particularly unusual for the IPHS members or the session chair at least. Although there are more conferences with interdisciplinary themes these days, I was reminded once again that papers on interdisciplinary themes are not only discussed from very different perspectives, but also evaluated in very different ways, depending on the venue where they are presented. (Kenji Asakawa)