秋元康幸ヒアリング記録 Oral History of Yasuyuki Akimoto




Akimoto Yasuyuki is an urban designer specialising in art. A graduate of the architecture department of Waseda University, Akimoto joined the City of Yokohama around the time Akira Tamura left the city's major road. Initially Akimoto worked for the Minato Mirai project, he was then assigned to the Urban Design Office, where he developed his own unique line of work amidst a group of senior designers of strong characters. In 2007, he became head of the Urban Design Office under the administration of Hiroshi Nakata (2002/2009). During his urban design activities, he was consistently obsessed with the collaboration of contemporary art and urban design activities. This developed into Creative City activities in the 2000s. Unfortunately, as the mayor has changed and his mentor Takeru Kitazawa (former head of the city's Urban Design Office and professor at the University of Tokyo, 1953/2009) has passed away, it became difficult to see the future of Creative City activities. In addition, Osamu Ikeda that was head of BankART1929 and a driving force behind Yokohama's contemporary art activities, died suddenly. Akimoto took over the difficult role of deputy head of BankART1929. Akimoto was one of the people who have turned the trend of Yokohama urban design.  By Toshio Taguchi

