市民の生活図集・横浜の現況1970 the Citizens Data Atlas 1970
Publication of the Citizens' Data Atlas 1970
In June 1970, the Planning and Coordination Department of the Asukata Administration published the "Citizens' Data Atlas 1970". It is a collection of basic data and diagrams for the purpose of discussing the growing urban problems with citizens, administrative bodies and companies. It was the idea of Akira Tamura, Director of the Planning and Coordination Department, to disclose information to the public. This was a breakthrough in the way that so much data was organised in colourful drawings and presented in an easily understandable way. It was a typical Tamura attempt and his motto to think about urban development together with the citizens. At the time, it was distributed to all schools in the city (including private ones). As time went by, most of the schools discarded the Atlas, but this one happened to be found in the warehouse of the library of a private girls' school and was donated to the author, thank you.
- 沿革
- 位置
- 地形
- 地質地盤
- 官公署
- 人口分布
- 人口流動
- 宅地開発状況(年次別)
- 宅地開発状況(主体・手法別)
- 新築状況
- 地目別土地利用現況
- 都心部の土地利用
- 都市計画決定
- 接収地
- 公園緑地
- 文教施設
- 社会福祉施設
- 医療施設
- 通信施設
- 文化財
- 舗装道路
- 交通安全施設
- 住宅事情
- 上水道
- 下水道
- ごみ処理施設
- 電力・ガス
- 農漁業
- 工業施設
- 商業施設
- 港湾と流通施設
- 鉄道輸送状況
- 幹線道路と交通量
- バス路線とバス交通量
- 到達時間帯
- 人の動き
- 交通事故と交通渋滞
- 公害
- 火災
- 水害