








 参加者:HAN Changhee,遠藤包嗣、田口俊夫、檜槇貢






次回は167 田村明:「自治体の政策プランナー」『地方の新時代と公務員』ジュリスト増刊総合特集(有斐閣)22号pp203-209,1981.4 7月23日(月)15:00~17:00 


(檜槇貢 2024年7月11日)
































(檜槇貢 2024年6月25日)


















田村明『自治体職員の誇り「市民の政府」のスタッフとして』(地方自治職員研修571号PP12‐13〈2008年4月〉を読む (檜槇貢)


































News from NYC ニューヨーク学会参加報告

Urban Affairs Association(以下、UAA)の学術大会がニューヨークのタイムズスクエアに位置するマリオット・マーキスホテルで開催された。私にとって「世界の首都」は初めての訪問。とにかくすべてが大きい。東京に住んでいれば、大抵どこの大都市に行っても、それほど驚くことはない。世界における日本のプレゼンスが全体的に凋落してきているとはいえ、東京以上に栄えている都市を探す方が難しい。しかしニューヨークは違った。地方から初めて上京した人が都会に圧倒されるという話を聞いたことはあったが、生まれて初めてその感覚を味わうことができた。その活気にも人間の多様性にも、そして大都会としての歴史の厚さにも、圧倒されて、初日はただホテルについてそのまま疲れて寝てしまったほどであった。都市について研究しようとするのに、ニューヨークにも行ったことがないなんて、と田口さんに言われていたけれども、ようやく身を持ってそれを実感した。このことだけをとっても私がここにきた意義があったと思えるほどである。そして改めて米国の物価高騰と歴史的な円安にも関わらず、こうしてニューヨークの学会出張に派遣してくださった田村明記念・まちづくり研究会の皆さまに感謝したい。


















Jane Jacobs and Akira Tamura ジェーンジェイコブズと田村明

いまジェーン・ジェイコブズの『アメリカ大都市の死と生』を読み返している。50年前に買った英語版で初版は1961年である。因みに黒川紀章が翻訳したことになっている日本語版(SD選書)は、オリジナル本の半分しか翻訳していないようだ。当時の英語力そしていまの英語力でも苦労しながら読んでいるが、最近友人から自治体運営についての章(Governing and planning districts)があることを聞いた。早速読んで吃驚した、これは正に田村明でないか・・・と。行政組織が縦割りで相互の調整がなく、横割りになっているのは大きく分割されたそれぞれの地域事務所しかない。公聴会も形式的なもので、事前に結論は決まっているようだ。それを改善しようとして、新たな調整機関がつくられるが、自らも調整できない調整機関となっている。

 そこで、ジェイコブズは最適な人口規模で関係機関をまとめた「地域事務所(District Administration)」をつくることを提唱している。ニューヨークでもバラBourghがあるのだが、規模が大き過ぎ権限も限られている。その地域事務所に副市長級の役人を据えるか、公選の事務所長を置くべきという。しかし、これで、縦割りの総合調整ができない現状を改善できるかは、やはり役人の意識次第となる。ジェイコブズを1968年の横浜市に連れてきたかった。そして、企画調整室をつくった田村明に会わせたかった。


I am currently rereading Jane Jacobs' The Death and Life of Great American Cities, an English edition I bought 50 years ago, first published in 1961. The Japanese edition (SD Selected Books), which Kisho Kurokawa, famous architect, is supposed to have translated, seems to have translated only half of the original book. I read it with difficulty, even with my English skills then and now, but recently I heard from a friend that there is a chapter on local government management (Governing and planning districts). I was surprised when I read it and wondered if this was indeed Akira Tamura. The administrative structure is vertically divided and there is no mutual coordination, and the only horizontal division is in the respective regional offices, which are largely divided. Public hearings are also a formality and conclusions seem to be decided beforehand. In an attempt to improve this, a new coordinating body is created, but it has become a coordinating body that cannot coordinate itself.


Jacobs therefore advocates the creation of 'district administrations' that bring together the relevant agencies at the optimum population size. In New York, there are Boroughs, but they are too large and have limited authorities. The idea is that there should be a deputy mayor-level official or a publicly elected head of the office. However, whether this will improve the current situation, where comprehensive coordination is not possible due to the vertically divided system, will still depend on the awareness of the officials. I wanted to bring Jacobs to Yokohama City in 1968. I also wanted her to meet Akira Tamura, who created the Planning Coordination Office.

















Japan Urban Planning Council 日本都市企画会議






Akira Tamura has been involved in a great many activities. Even those who have recognised themselves as his disciples have not been able to supplement the full picture of his work. In sorting through the catalogue of Tamura's books, we discover that he has written essays and books in an astonishingly diverse range of venues.

Tamura published an article in the magazine of the Japan Urban Planning Council, which was active from the 1970s to the 1980s. However, I did not know what this Japan Urban Planning Council was really about. There were no hits at all in internet searches or library information. In such a situation, I found the editor of the magazine through the information I happened to find, and the editor told me about the people involved at that time. That person was Masuda Masaru, President of the NPO Machizukuri Association.

Mr Masuda had been a member of the office of Tatsuo Katagiri (President of the Urban Research Institute), who served as the secretariat of the Japan Urban Planning Council, and he had been watching the activities of the Council from the side. Masuda was also friends with Akira Tamura, who donated a preserved annual report of the Council. From these documents, it is known that in 1967 (Showa 42), the General Planning Centre (with Tatsuo Katagiri in charge of administration) was established as a temporary organisation until the full-fledged establishment of a nationwide research and training organisation by local authorities. After accumulating a track record of research and training activities, in 1973 (Showa 48) a meeting was held in May of the same year by the promoters of the establishment, mainly consisting of alumni of training courses and those in charge of planning in the cities where the prefectural governments were located. It was officially established in June 1974. Tamura had been involved in this body from the outset as Director General of the Planning and Coordination Bureau of the City of Yokohama.


However, according to Masuda, "his office itself was merged with the other institute due to deteriorating management, and the Council also became difficult to manage over time, and its activities came to a halt when the people involved passed away".





高速道路60年史 the 60-year history of Yokohama motorway

金近忠彦氏講演会 概要















The content of the lecture was shocking. Research on historical facts must be approached from multiple perspectives or it can be misguided. I realized that there is tacit knowledge in every field of expertise, and that there are things inaccessible to people outside of the field who do not have such knowledge.


Mr. Tadahiko Kanechika, highway expert, talked about the history of the undergrounding of the Metropolitan Motorway and the Bay Bridge, but he mainly focused on the inter-organizational relationships and involvement of influential people behind the project. The undergrounding of the motorway was an unprecedented project whose planning coordination among the concerned organizations was completed in just one year from 1968. The case was studied in research papers by Toshio Taguchi (Journal of the Architectural Institute of Japan, Vol. 769, p. 603-613, 2020-03, and Journal of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 79, No. 9, 22-00290, 2023). The explanation by Kanechika is very helpful.


When starting full negotiations for undergrounding, it was necessary for Yokohama City to share in the increased costs requested by the Ministry of Construction. Taguchi examined that Yokohama City's "deposit" in the Metropolitan Motorway Corporation was used to cover this burden. Kanechika concluded that the city responded by using the upper part of the Haohka River landfill (motorway underground) and related street projects using existing side roads (city road maintenance). In other words, he states that there was a decision made by the Motorway Division of the City Highway Bureau (Toshiaki Ikezawa, section chief) that was not included in the "background memo" from the Planning and Coordination Office.


Ikezawa was at odds with Akira Tamura, the director of the Planning and Coordination Office, who is said to be the "driving force behind the undergrounding" and was seen as leaning toward the Construction Ministry. Ikezawa was part of the coordinating body of the undergrounding project by Mayor Asukata. As described in Taguchi's paper, the process of undergrounding was fiercely opposed by the Ministry of Transport, which suffered tremendous impact on subway construction due to the coexistence with the motorway along Yoshida River, and the Ministry of Construction finally had to compromise through political negotiations. However, they could not proceed to negotiations on the Yoshida River without a settlement on the Haohka River. Incidentally, Ikezawa displayed a photo of the completion ceremony of the relevant street project taken with Asukata at his home before his death.


According to Tamura's book, the undergrounding project left the Ministry of Construction in a hotly disputed situation with the City of Yokohama. According to Kanechika, it is unlikely for a matter that has been officially settled between organizations (between the vice minister and the mayor) to leave a bad feeling lingered. There was another major case to cause severe frictions between them. In August 1972, based on the Vehicle Restriction Order (a government ordinance issued by the road administrator restricting the width, weight, height, and length of vehicles that may pass on roads), the city stopped a tank carrier weighing nearly 100 tons from passing over a bridge with a 20-ton limit. Demonstrators led by Mayor Asukata blocked the passage until the Cabinet decided in October to revise the ordinance (making it non-applicable to SDF vehicles and U.S. troops stationed in Japan in case of emergency). This was a major achievement of the innovative city administration, but it was also a major incident annoying the national government. This led to the bureaucrats of the national government ridiculing the city, saying, "Is Yokohama an independent country? The logic was that an independent country would not need subsidies from the central government, and the state continued to be reluctant to give subsidies that Yokohama should have needed. This situation was only improved after Asukata was succeeded by Michikazu Saigo, former vice-minister of local government affairs. The Bay Bridge project was thus not on track for implementation, even though the planning and design had been completed during the Asukata administration.


Ikezawa, who had presented the wisdom of the vehicle restriction order to Mayor Asukata, organized petitions to the Diet during Asukata’s administration for the Bay Bridge construction, but the state merely listened to him, to no effect. And, Tamura was outraged when the Bay Bridge was featured in the popular television program “Project X” by NHK and Ikezawa, not Tamura, was the architect of the project. Kanechika gave us a glimpse of the "mechanism" by which national and local politicians and bureaucrats are involved in the planning and implementation of policies. I hope that the proofreading of the transcript by the lecturer does not miss any of the important details that current bureaucrats would not like to publicize.







田村明の肉声公開 Voice recording of Akira Tamura






土木学会論文集に高速道路地下化論文が掲載されました Taguchi's motorway undergrounding thesis accepted by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers


田口 俊夫

土木学会論文集2023 年 79 巻 9 号 論文ID: 22-00290

発行日: 2023年

公開日: 2023/09/20


ジャーナル 認証あり


首都高速道路横羽線の横浜都心部への延伸部分を地下化した事案は, 一旦都市計画決定した高速道路事業を変更したものである.首都高速道路を所管する建設省と高速道路と路線で競合する市営地下鉄を所管する運輸省, そして首都高速道路公団と神奈川県に対して, 都心部再開発の軸線として大通公園を構想する横浜市が主導して 1968年から一年間に及ぶ総合的調整作業を行った.自治体が都市景観の保全という地域的価値観を掲げ, 路線的かつ構造的に競合する都市インフラ事業を総合的に調整した.地域の価値観により都市づくりを総合的に実践するため, 飛鳥田一雄市政は都市プランナー田村明を招き企画調整室を立ち上げ, 総合的調整の事務局とした.当研究の目的は, それまで詳細が不明であった高速道路地下化に関わる総合的調整過程を明らかにすることである.



当該論文は、日本建築学会計画系論文集Vol.85 No.769 2020/3に採択掲載されたものを、新たな経緯資料の発見によって補足したものです。高速道路とまちづくりに係わることから、本来的に土木の世界での評価も求められるものでした。残念ながら、建築学会は補足論文の趣旨を共有できなく、採択不可となりました。それゆえ、まちづくりと行政運営の観点から、土木学会が1960年代事案の意義を認めた頂いたことに感謝します。











Report by Aoki about the ISA conference 国際社会学会発表





青木淳弘がInternational Sociological AssociationMelbourne大会で発表した革新自治体横浜市に集まってきた若者たちのライフヒストリー研究は、自治体職員がどう自分たちのモチベーションを維持しつつ都市づくりに挑んでいったかを明らかにしようとする意欲的な試みである。革新自治体論はその首長が社会党か共産党に支援されて当選したかで判別する研究があるが、青木は革新自治体の政治の革新性と政策の革新性に着目し、特に政治情勢が中道化するなかで「政策の革新性」を継続しようとする当時の若手職員たちに注目した。今後の研究の深化が期待される。


The life history study of young people who gathered in Yokohama, an innovative municipality, presented by Atsuhiro Aoki at the International Sociological Association's Melbourne conference, is an ambitious attempt to reveal how municipal officials maintained their own motivation and took on the challenge of urban development. While some studies on innovative municipalities discriminate whether their chiefs were elected with the support of the Socialist Party or the Communist Party, Aoki focused on the political innovativeness and policy innovativeness of innovative municipalities, particularly the young officials of the time who tried to continue their 'policy innovativeness' as the political situation became more moderate. Further research is expected to deepen this study in the future.





Tea House in Aizu 会津茶室見学






国際社会学会メルボルン大会に参加 ISA Melbourne Conference Report

From June 25 to July 1, 2023, I participated in the World Congress of Sociology held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), a general convention facility in Melbourne, Australia. Like the Olympics, the International Sociological Association (ISA) holds a large-scale conference every four years that brings together sociologists from all over the world, and this year was the 20th such conference. As a post-Corona world congress, it was held in a hybrid format of in-person and online, but it attracted a total of over 4,500 participants, of which 3,024 were in-person, announced ISA President Sari Hanafi. The venue for this year's event was a so-called integrated resort (IR), which combines a conference center with casino facilities and hotels, and the large space was very lively as sociologists from various countries and regions of the world gathered there. Unlike Japan in the rainy season, Melbourne in the dry winter was cold, but I strangely forgot the change in climate with the excitement and tension of such a large venue.

 I presented my research at the first morning session of the Urban and Regional Sociology Group (RC21) on June 27. The overall theme of the session was Civic Society, Public Institution and Governance, a topic strongly related to "planning and coordination" and "citizen government" in which we are conducting research at NPOs. I presented my research concept of rethinking "innovative local government" from the perspective of "individual experience," rather than institutions and policies. Following the individual research presentations, there was a question-and-answer session on basic issues, followed by a general discussion in the latter half of the session. Although my research is still in its budding stages, I felt that our perspective of seeking a deeper understanding of postwar local government and its connection to contemporary urban space through the collection and analysis of life histories had gained a certain degree of understanding. Although I was not able to communicate the contents in depth or discuss them in connection with further global academic trends due to my own lack of ability, I believe that the constructive comments and interest in our research were a valuable asset.

 In addition to these academic exchanges, I was very happy to be able to reconnect with old acquaintances. It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to interact with Japanese researchers (strangely enough, I think we were able to have more active conversations and exchanges of opinions with each other than when we met in Japan). Also, a friend I met at a conference in Auckland last year came to my section meeting to offer support and comments. This personal connection was one of the things that made me truly happy to have attended this year's ISA conference.

 Reflecting on the Q&A and comments at the conference, as well as on my own presentation, I have gained some insight into my perception of the current situation, as well as some challenges for the future. The first issue is how we should position and discuss the case of Yokohama City, including Akira Tamura. Needless to say, there are many cities in the world, and there are as many people who create cities as there are cities, but to what extent are the attempts made in Yokohama during Asukata-led city administration and the practices inherited from it suggestive for such people? At initial stage, I thought it would be important to extract a certain degree of universality from the case studies and derive a common denominator that would enable global comparisons. Recently, however, I have come to believe that it is more important to actively talk about particularities rather than commonalities, and the comments I received at this conference have further strengthened this belief. I wondered where the motivation of those who created the cities originated from (one commenter used the Japanese word "Ikigai," meaning "purpose in life"). What kind of outcome did this have in later times? What practices in the name of "planning and coordination" and "citizen's government" did Akira Tamura and those around him perform, and how did they make sense of their own work? There is no doubt that it is significant to talk about this particular experience. However, I think that we (at least I) have not yet sufficiently prepared the theoretical background to which we should conform when illuminating this particular experience. I would like to leave this as an issue for the future.

Another comment from several people was that they would like us to collect life histories of municipal officials who have had unique experiences, as many as possible and in as much depth as possible. This will provide material for thinking about local government in postwar Japan, but in terms of motivation, it will be an important reference for thinking about local government officials and governance in various regions of the world. I would like to continue to conduct interviews, but I also thought it important for us as an NPO to continue to maintain our role as an archive of such life histories (and, of course, documents related to urban development and local government).

    Although there are many difficulties involved in conducting activities in English (partly due to my own inexperience with English), I believe that this will once again be an important opportunity for us to deliver our research activities to the world. Of course, it is important to publish completed papers, but I believe that it is also important to continue to promote the archiving and distribution of our work, and to share the achievements and practices of Akira Tamura and his colleagues with the world, and to open the way for us to think about city planning and local governments in a broader context, including both evaluation and criticism. I believe that this will open the way for us to think about urban development and local government in a broader context, including evaluation and criticism. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this precious opportunity, and I hope that I can continue to contribute to such activities in my own way to the best of my ability.


By Atsuhiro Aoki





記録・革新自治体 A Record of Yokohama Innovative Local Government





まちづくり研究会の記録を掲載しました History of Machi-ken being opened on the website






Christian Dimmer クリスティアン・ディマさんの博士論文を掲載 C. Dimmer, professor of Waseda Univ., opens his doctorate dissertation written about Yokohama's urban design and Planner





都市デザイン室講演会記録を公開 Speech by the urban design section publicized.


The speech delivered on April 20th, 2023 by Mitsuda and Katsura of municipal urban design section is publicized on our NPO's website. Please visit it.





テネシー州ナッシュビルでの学会に、4月27日と28日参加した。Urban Affairs Association(都市社会学会)第51回大会で、NPO田村明研究会より田口俊夫が論文を発表した。発表題目は、「横浜都心部における高速道路地下化事案」である。会場はナッシュビル中心部にある巨大ホテルで、コンベンション施設を借り切って、146の分科会が開催された。正直なところ、アウエー感がぬぐい切れなかった。田口の分科会はInter-governmental Relations行政組織間調整と理解できるものだったが、社会学の分野はどうしても「社会的弱者minority」を行政組織と対峙して、その権利をどう守るかに焦点があるようだ。分科会では90分の枠で5名が発表したため、時間が大幅に限られていた。行政組織間調整というよりは、行政組織の問題をどう指摘するかに力点が置かれているように感じた。毎回、国際会議で感じる自分の英語力のなさが今回も響いて、15分での論理的な説明に難しさを感じた。それでも、30名ほどの研究者が集まり、特に田口の発表には、「よくもまあ、遠い日本から来てくれましたね」と初老の女性研究者から熱い目線を感じた。数千人の参加者の中で、日本人はどうも田口一人であったようだ。中国人と韓国人は少数いて、ほとんどが在米の留学生か研究者のようにみえた。ナッシュビルはカントリーミュージックの聖地で、街中にライブハウスが並んでいる。観光する間もなく、慌ただしく参加して、次なる目的地のニューヨークで人に会うために空港に急いだ。知人の紹介で、かつてニューヨーク市で都市計画担当官を務め、退職後に法律家に転職し、今はニューヨークで都市計画関係を専門とする法律事務所を開いている人物に会う予定である。それにしても、国際会議では毎回緊張する。





2022年度決算社員総会での記念講演の報告 Commemorative speech delivered by the urban design office of Yokohama city at the annual meeting of NPO Akira Tamura


On 20 April (Thursday), 2023, at 6 p.m., Asano Mitsuda, Chief of the Yokohama City Urban Design Office, and Yusei Katsura, Deputy chief, gave a lecture entitled "Report of the 'Future Conference' on Future Urban Design in Yokohama" as a commemorative lecture at the general meeting of the NPO Akira Tamura Study Group. 1-hour performance and 30-minute Q&A session, Various opinions were expressed by the participants. The question is whether the urban design office can continue to be an indispensable entity for the city in the comng future, 50 years after the establishment of the Urban Design. The details of the lecture will be transcribed and made available to the public in due course.


講演者プロフィール Profile of lecturers

Mitsuda Asano光田 麻乃(みつだ あさの)Chief of the urban design office横浜市都市整備局都市デザイン室長 




Katsura Yuki桂 有生(かつら ゆうき)Deputy chief of the urban design office横浜市都市整備局都市デザイン室デザイン調整担当係長 







神奈川大学人間科学部学生とNPO田村明研究会のコラボレーション「横浜市の農地利用に関する現状と課題」Collaboration with the students of Kanagawa University and NPO Tamura on the research about the urban agriculture in Yokohama








For the first time in a long time, our open research meeting was filled with the enthusiasm of young people. Students studying social research methods at Kanagawa University were interested in urban agriculture in Yokohama and conducted research. The NPO Akira Tamura utilized its human resource network to introduce people who could provide information and advice on their research. The project began with a simple question from the students: 'Why is there so much agricultural land in urbanized Yokohama? They read literature, interviewed relevant people and walked around the city. It has been 60 years since Mayor Ichio Asukata and urban planner Akira Tamura conceived the idea of “urban agriculture,” and although the Basic Law for the Promotion of Urban Agriculture was passed in 2015 and “agricultural land should be in cities,” the state is too slow to realize this importance. The research findings of the students and Dr. Kazuaki Shimizu of Kanagawa University will be published soon in more detail on our website. Farmland in Yokohama is strongly protected by the Urbanization Control Zone, which Tamura boldly established in 1970, but even so the zone is being evaded by housing construction and urban land use. There are signs of an inconsistency in local government policies, and I feel that we are now at the final stage where the local government is required to “develop comprehensive policies,” as Tamura once envisaged. (Responsibility: Toshio Taguchi)





水田とみなとみらい Paddy fields and Minatomirai



In Kohoku New Town, an environment has been created where urban agriculture and residential development coexist in harmony. Urban agriculture has been set up as special agricultural zones around residential development areas and is engaged in vigorous agricultural activities. In order to find out more about the past history of the promotion of urban agriculture by the city government, I made a request to the Agricultural Policy Promotion Division of the Yokohama City Environment and Creation Bureau for disclosure of old policy decision-making documents. I am grateful for the very kind response from the officials concerned. In the process, I learnt that the paddy field landscape has been disappearing in recent years. It is said that paddy farming is not profitable and people are shifting to vegetable farming. However, the paddy field landscape is a very Japanese landscape and I would like to cherish it for a long time to come. Meanwhile, a small paddy field has been created on the roof of the new ward office building in Totsuka Ward, where nearby schoolchildren are planting and harvesting rice. Staff from the city's Southern Agricultural Administration Office at the ward office are helping to maintain the paddy fields with the children. If possible, could such paddy fields be created in places close to citizens, for example, in vacant lots or parking lots around Minatomirai or Yamashita Park? It does not have to be long-term, or even temporary all right. We would like to see the creation of a city where paddy fields and high-rise buildings coexist, which may be a way to deal with the current environmental problems.







ニュージーランド国際学会派遣報告 International presentation at the conference in New Zealand

オーストラリアとニュージーランドそしてアジア地域で構成される都市計画・建築計画・アーバンデザインに関する国際学会がニュージーランドの中心都市オークランドで開催され、当NPO法人から田口俊夫と青木淳弘の二人が参加した。11月25日(金)から11月27日(日)の三日間で分科会に分かれての発表、ウエルカムパーティ、夕食会など多彩な催しが開催された。主催は、オセアニアのSAHANZ(Society of Architectural Historians Australia & New Zealand)とオーストラリアのUHPH(Urban History / Planning History Group)で、都市と建築に関する歴史研究に関する団体である。コロナもあるのだろうか、リモートでの参加者がほぼ半数に及んだ。


田口は初日金曜日の夕刻5時から30分ほど、”Local Government Coordination in the 1960s Yokohama, Japan: The Case of the Inner-City Motorway Project”(1960年代横浜における自治体による調整機能:都心部高速道路計画を題材に)について話した。20分のパワーポイント説明で10分の質疑応答であった。青木は二日目土曜日の12時から30分ほど、”Reconsideration of Urban Design from a Perspective of Coordinative Mechanism in Local Administration: A Case Study of Yokohama’s Urban Design Section”(自治体における調整機構からみたアーバンデザインの再考:横浜市の都市デザイン室をケーススタディとして)について話した。なお、質疑応答では、アーバンデザインの現場の話に集中したので田口が対応した。




また、参加者の中に、慶応大学大学院に留学して「まちづくり」をDIYと結び付けて研究しているニュージーランド人研究者(中国系)がいた。彼女と主催者には当NPOで翻訳自費出版した“YOKOHAMA: THE MAKING OF A CITY”(都市ヨコハマをつくる:中公新書)を進呈した。「ここに(自分が求めていたことが)すべて書かれている」と、彼女が他の研究者に紹介していたのが印象的だった。




Toshio Taguchi and Atsuhiro Aoki from the NPO Akira Tamura Memorial participated in the International Conference on Urban Planning and Urban Design held in Auckland, New Zealand. The event was held over three days from Friday 25 to Sunday 27 November and featured a variety of events, including presentations in subcommittees, a welcome party, and a dinner party. The organizers were SAHANZ of New Zealand and UHPH of Australia. Most of the presenters were researchers from universities, and the themes of their presentations were related to historical verification. Almost half of the participants were there remotely, probably due in part to Covid 19.


Taguchi spoke for about 30 minutes on the first day in the evening from 5:00 p.m. on "Local Government Coordination in the 1960s Yokohama, Japan: The Case of the Inner-City Motorway Project, a 20-minute PowerPoint presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A. Aoki spoke for 30 minutes on the second day, starting at 12:00 pm on "Reconsideration of Urban Design from a Perspective of Coordinative Mechanism in Local Administration: A Case Study of Yokohama's Urban Design Section.” Taguchi handled the Q&A session, because it focused on the field of urban design practice that Taguchi had done during his assignment as an urban designer in Yokohama.


Overall, the response to presentation was very positive and friendly. There were about 20 people in the audience, from them Taguchi received many questions. One of the women started her question by saying that her married family name was Tamura. Taguchi was so nervous from the preparation for the conference and the presentation that he could not sleep for almost two nights. After that he had to stay in bed for two days. Fortunately, it was not Covid 19. Aoki was in good spirits, and exchanged opinions and contact information with many of the participants. I am convinced that the future would be evolved by the next generation.


Among the participants was a New Zealander of Chinese descent who is studying at Keio University's graduate school and researching "Machi-zukuri (community building)" in connection with DIY activities. We presented her and the organizers with a copy of "YOKOHAMA: THE MAKING OF A CITY" (Chu-Ko Shinsho), which was translated and self-published by our NPO. I was impressed that she introduced the book to other researchers, saying “Everything that I have been looking for is written here.”


It was a very fruitful and meaningful conference. As a point of reflection for the future, we may keep in mind that the presentation theme is an important tool to promote what we write for the conference journal (assuming it is refereed and then adopted). This academic society organizing this conference will publish our full papers in their academic journal. Thereafter, we should try to publish in a world-wide and more prestigious academic journals. I realized that urban management and city planning by Akira Tamura will certainly be of interest to the world community. However, it will stay as a lost treasure without understanding of the social system of the recipient country and comparative research with Japan. The conference gave me a lot of insights, but I was tired very much.





Paper presentation by Aoki at the Japan Sociology Association2022年度日本社会学会大会での発表に関する報告(青木淳弘)






英国の専門誌に論文掲載 Our article on Planning and Perspectives, English magazine of planning history

当NPO副理事長の田口俊夫による”The post-war rebirth of Yokohama: the planner Akira Tamura’s contributions to municipal reform”(戦後横浜の再生:都市プランナー田村明による自治体改革への貢献)と題する英語研究論文が、英国の専門雑誌"Planning Perspectives"に掲載されました。

都市計画史の専門雑誌で、国際都市計画史学会International Planning History Societyの学会誌でもあります。当該雑誌に掲載いただけたことは、大変な光栄です。

以下のTaylor & Francis Onlineで概要版(Abstract)をご覧になれます。










公開研究会「都市科学研究室を語る」What was the Yokohama Urban Science Laboratory in the 1970s ?



















































岡村駿ヒアリング記録 Oral history of Takashi Okamura



We have interviewed Takashi Okamura, formerly of the Urban Science Laboratory, four times so far on the topic of 'Scientific Administration and the Urban Science Laboratory'. No academic result has yet been achieved. Then, as now, the 'Urban Science Laboratory', which was an alien entity in governmental organisations, was the research and study department of the Planning and Coordination Bureau, led by Akira Tamura. It was an 'outpost' where young people of the time organised independent research groups at their own whim, with a peculiar figure named Tokuzo Matsumoto as head of the office. Okamura, who set up the Laboratory with Matsumoto, specialised in 'opinion polls' to read votes for local elections. In fact, this vote-reading is a tool to get into the deep world of voiceless citizens and to hear their true necessities or demands, which cannot be grasped by superficial surveys conducted by research institutions. Okamura was a central figure in the planning of the Yokohama Archives of History, which was planned during the transition period from the Asukata administration to the Saigo administration. Akira Tamura was the one who initiated the project, but without Okamura, the Archives would not have been able to open. It was Okamura who truly put into practice what Tamura called 'practical coordination that never gives up'. On 12 October (Wed) at 3pm in the seminar room of the Naka Ward Citizens' Activity Centre, we will discuss what the 'Urban Science Laboratory' was based on the results of our research to date. Anyone is welcome to attend, but non-members of the NPO Akira Tamura Research Group will be charged a management cooperation fee of 500 yen.





横浜市政策局ヒアリング Hearing record of the City Policy Bureau





We asked the Policy Division of the City Policy Bureau about the planning and coordination function of Yokohama City Government. Does this 'function', which was created during the Asukata/Tamura era (1968 to 1978), still maintains its existence, or not? But to begin with, we need to clarify in a common language what the 'planning and coordination function' is, and in what administrative needs (or citizen needs) it existed or does exist. However, this is an extremely difficult task, as we have seen through this hearing.

Even now, when we are unable to clarify the planning and coordination functions, it feels meaningless to discuss their horizontal linkage functions, and autonomy of municipality with the current administrative staff. When they tell us that they are doing a task of coordination within the municipality and with external institutions with regard to the real issues at hand, there is no way to verify this. While the mayor's presence cannot be felt near as one of citizens, even if we speak of the leadership of the chief executive, this connotes nothing.

So, what do you, the readers, address the administrative situation from this hearing record? We hope to hear your impressions. By Toshio Taguchi





秋元康幸ヒアリング記録 Oral History of Yasuyuki Akimoto




Akimoto Yasuyuki is an urban designer specialising in art. A graduate of the architecture department of Waseda University, Akimoto joined the City of Yokohama around the time Akira Tamura left the city's major road. Initially Akimoto worked for the Minato Mirai project, he was then assigned to the Urban Design Office, where he developed his own unique line of work amidst a group of senior designers of strong characters. In 2007, he became head of the Urban Design Office under the administration of Hiroshi Nakata (2002/2009). During his urban design activities, he was consistently obsessed with the collaboration of contemporary art and urban design activities. This developed into Creative City activities in the 2000s. Unfortunately, as the mayor has changed and his mentor Takeru Kitazawa (former head of the city's Urban Design Office and professor at the University of Tokyo, 1953/2009) has passed away, it became difficult to see the future of Creative City activities. In addition, Osamu Ikeda that was head of BankART1929 and a driving force behind Yokohama's contemporary art activities, died suddenly. Akimoto took over the difficult role of deputy head of BankART1929. Akimoto was one of the people who have turned the trend of Yokohama urban design.  By Toshio Taguchi






国際都市計画史学会オランダ大会に参加 IPHS 2022 Delft Conference

2022年7月5日(火)と6日(水)の二日間でオランダ・デルフト工科大学を会場にして、国際都市計画史学会International Planning History Society(本部はロンドン)の大会が開催された。当NPOからも淺川賢司と田口俊夫が参加した。大会はそもそも2020年にモスクワで開催されるものであったが、コロナ禍があり、そしてロシアによるウクライナ侵略があり、延期され、ついには会場変更となった。この大会も基本的にリモート参加が主体となり、我々もリモートで参加して発表した。リモートで、かつ英語という環境でも国際会議のため、会場運営や音声の問題もあり、特に運営者にとっては大変な大会となった。




The conference of the International Planning History Society (headquartered in London) was held at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands on 5 (Tue) and 6 (Wed) July 2022. Kenji Asakawa and Toshio Taguchi participated from NPO. The conference was originally scheduled to be held in Moscow in 2020, but due to the Covid 19 disaster and the Russian invasion to Ukraine, it was postponed and finally the venue was changed. The conference was also held remotely, and we gave our presentation remotely. Even though the conference was held remotely and in English, it was an international conference, so there were problems with venue management and audio, making it a particularly difficult conference for the organisers, I presume.

   One of the 37 breakout sessions Taguchi participated in was a historical study on the issues of urban infrastructure. It was chaired by Professor Demura of Gifu University, Japan, and speakers were Demura himself, Taguchi, a Chinese postgraduate student and a Spanish university professor. Each gave a 20-minute presentation and took questions. There seemed to be about a dozen people in the audience. At the end, there was not enough time and the session ended with only a couple of questions. Taguchi's presentation on 'Planning and Coordination Functions of Underground Motorways' was a success. After the conference, I received a long email from the presenter, a Chinese postgraduate student, saying that she was interested in the 'planning and coordination function' and would like to learn about it. I immediately gave her the English translation of Akira Tamura's 'Creating an Urban Yokohama', which is available on our NPO's website. The need for a planning and coordination function was also recognised, as an urban redevelopment project in a regional city in Spain, following the undergrounding of a railway line, has come to a halt due to poor coordination between the national, provincial and municipal authorities.

   The biggest problem was that the main body of the paper had not arrived in the hands of the participants, although we had prepared a PowerPoint presentation and a manuscript for the presentation. I was able to send it to the chairman in advance, but the details could not be understood without reading the main body of the paper. Nevertheless, we were happy if, by conveying the main points, we were able to make the participants understand the value of the paper, even if only a little. (Toshio Taguchi)



私は7月6日に、Urban Analysis というタイトルのセッションで"Managing Urban Growth using Soft-law – Lessons learnt from Yokohama in 1960s/70s and Koto in 2000s"という論考を発表しました。同じセッションになったとはいえ、通常の学会のように問題意識などに重なるところがあるわけではなく、特に私の発表はIPHSでは異端だったと思います。最近でこそ学際的なテーマをかかげる学会が増えてきましたが、学際的な分野をテーマとした論文は発表する場によって議論の視点が大きく異なるだけではなく、評価もまったく異なったものになるというのを改めて感じた次第です。(淺川賢司)


I attended the IPHS biannual conference, which was held July 5-6 in Delft. That conference was originally to be held in 2020 after the previous conference in Yokohama 2020, but was postponed due to the COVID pandemic. In addition, the secretariat seemed to be confused because of the many unusual circumstances, including venue change from Moscow to Delft due to the Ukraine crisis. So, participants voluntarily called for thank-you messages to the secretariat, which I had not seen at the previous Yokohama meeting.

   On July 6, I presented a paper entitled "Managing Urban Growth using Soft-law - Lessons learned from Yokohama in 1960s/70s and Koto in 2000s" at the session titled "Urban Analysis". Among the members of the session, we hardly found a common basis for research questions and/or approaches as we often do at the similar academic conferences, My presentation looks particularly unusual for the IPHS members or the session chair at least. Although there are more conferences with interdisciplinary themes these days, I was reminded once again that papers on interdisciplinary themes are not only discussed from very different perspectives, but also evaluated in very different ways, depending on the venue where they are presented. (Kenji Asakawa)






横浜市立大学での講義 A lecture at Yokohama City University



At the request of Professor Nobuharu Suzuki of Yokohama City University, I was invited to give a lecture entitled "The ideas of Akira Tamura and the contemporary evaluation of his urban planning" to the postgraduate students of the Graduate School of Urban Society and Culture. It took about 10 minutes for me to resolve a suspicious circumstance of how an old man in his late 60s could talk about Akira Tamura. Toshio Taguchi, just returning from a British graduate school, joined the city administration with the declaration that he wanted to work on 'urban design'. It was when Tamura, Director of the Planning and Coordination Bureau, was ousted in 1978 during the change from the Asukata to Saigo municipal administration, Unsure of the future of the Planning and Coordination Bureau and urban design, the young people groped for survival, consequently they set up an independent study group around Tamura and engaged in anti-authoritarian behaviour within the new administration. These young people are those who have evolved Tamura's ideas and practiced to the present day. As the end of lives comes nearer, they have come to aware of their final aim to examine ‘Akira Tamura and his achievements’ objectively and scientifically. That is the background behind the establishment of Akira Tamura Memorial - A Town Planning Research Initiative NPO in 2015. However, we have to become careful not to give suspicious impression that this NPO is an organisation dedicated to exalt Akira Tamura. Members are now publishing research papers in domestic and international academic research journals and have discovered how difficult it is to verify Akira Tamura objectively and scientifically. The students asked a variety of questions, such as whether Tamura's career in national ministry, private company and planning consultancy helped him in his role in government, whether the current City of Yokohama is related to the city planning of Tamura and his colleagues in the past, and how the conflict between national values, regional values and civic values are handled. In a research on the planning and coordination function, we now consider that the Urban Science Laboratory at that time was an 'outlying area' (or 'Ryouzanpaku') where young staff, regardless of department, gathered and held independent research meetings. Naturally, today's students do not know this word itself. In other words, the message is that it is important for any organisation to have a place for independent and free learning by its staff to revitalise itself. I hope that the encounter with this unusual old man will lead to new insights for the students. By Toshio Taguchi








嬉しいことがありました。友人から、横浜市立の中高一貫校の中学入試問題に、拙著の文章が使われたという情報がありました。「神奈川新聞」が掲載していたというので、調べたら、入試問題のPDFが入手できました。2004年に岩波ジュニア新書で、刊行した「カラー版 横浜交流と発展のまちガイド」の一節でした。最も、強調したかった横浜市の都市の骨格を創った「六大事業」を中心とした記述の部分です。この問題を作成した先生のまちづくりにおける深い洞察力を感じました。岩波書店が中高生を対象とした新書として刊行していることも、幸いしたようです。この本は、横浜市役所を退職した直後に、岩波書店から依頼されて2ヶ月ほどで執筆し、横浜文化賞を受賞した写真家、森日出夫さんの写真撮、昨年、残念ながらなくなったデザイナーの中川憲造さんのイラストと地図による共作でした。3刷りで合計1万6千部という、私のいくつかの著作ではダントツの発行でしたが、こうして、横浜のまちづくりの一端が、これからを担う子どもたちへの考える課題として提供されたことは、本当に嬉しいことでした。





NPO総会記念講演 NPO yearly assembly and its commemorative lecture by Kazunari Doi











5.  まちづくりの可能性を拓く





南学氏『公共施設マネジメント-拡充から縮充へ』Management of Public Facilities


2022425日(月)午後6時より8時  April 25, 2022


南学氏『公共施設マネジメント-拡充から縮充へ』Manabu Minami, "Management of Public Facilities: Down-sizing from expansion"

参加者 7名(講師含む)



Manabu Minami addressed that public facilities built by municipalities across the country are not properly managed nor maintained. Many non-essential and non-urgent facilities have been built for decades, are rarely used and huge amounts of taxpayers' money are spent each year on their maintenance and management. What is shocking is the sheer number of facilities that have been neglected and not properly maintained. The reality is that there is neither the manpower nor the budget to manage them. Minami travels to municipalities across the country to find out whether the future is bleak or whether it can be brightened somehow, and explains the need for public facilities management.






その日、BankART KAIKOで開催されている都市デザイン横浜展には、幅広い世代の人たちが集っていました。研究会有志が進めている都市デザインに関する研究で目下取り組んでいるのは、ニュージーランドのオークランドで開催されるSAHANZ and UMPH groupの学会報告の準備。そのためのヒアリングに合わせて展覧会に足を運んできました。田村明をはじめとした企画調整室のメンバーによってはじめられた都市デザイン行政の50年の歴史の蓄積は少なくない成果を横浜の都市空間にもたらしてきました。また田村明が生涯をかけて語り続けた「まちづくり」という言葉は、いまや世の中にすっかり浸透したように見えます。都市をつくることにさまざまな人がさまざまな形で取り組んでいます。











都市デザイン横浜展 Urban Design Yokohama

今日35日午後、春一番が吹く横浜北仲通に、開催初日の「都市デザイン横浜展:その50周年の歩み」を見てきた。多くの若者たちが訪れていた。良かった・・・初日で人がいなかったら寂しいと思い「枯れ木も山の賑わい」と訪れた。平和な時間を感じた。人々がデザイン感覚に優れた都市をつくっている傍らで、都市が理不尽に破壊されている現実も思いながら見学した。この時とこの空間を大事にしてほしい、と願って会場を後にした。Democracy with justice will prevail everywhere over tyranny with oppression in some country. We are with you, people of Ukraine.









参加者 対面で10名(内、NPO会員外3名)、リモートで4名、計14名(講師以外)



















子供たちからの贈り物 A gift from school children


   先生からも「この度は、立野小学校四年生の子供たちのための出前授業、ありがとうございました。子供たち自身が学習の深まりを実感し、満足している姿をみることができました。田口様には本当に感謝しております。私も教育研究者として、今後もこのような楽しいチャレンジを続けていこうと思います。田口様も、お体に気をつけて研究を続けて下さいね。2021年の終わりに素敵な出会いがあったこと、大変に嬉しく思います」立野小学校 酒井優里亜



On 31 December last year, I received a very nice year-end gift; a collection of comments from fourth year students of Tateno Primary School on Taguchi's visit to the school (21 December 2021, to learn about Akira Tamura from the history of the red brick warehouses). The pad was beautifully bound and the children's impressions were lovingly pasted on the papers. I am very grateful to teacher Yuria Sakai for her guidance in getting the children to do this. Here are their comments as follow; I really liked the words “Without the past there would be no present.” It's hard to build a town, but from now on we can look at architectures with different eyes. Thank you for giving us an opportunity to think about something close to home with us. I want to become a useful person like Mr. Tamura and Mr. Taguchi. I really enjoyed Mr Taguchi's class because it was easy to understand and he has a cheerful personality. I used to dislike the subject of history, but thanks to Mr. Taguchi's explanations, I came to love it. I thought that Mr. Taguchi's way of life was amazing, just like Mr. Tamura’s. The fact that Mr. Taguchi is so determined to do what he loves is amazing.

   I was very impressed by the wonderful comments by the children. The teacher said, "Thank you very much for your visit to the fourth grader children of Tateno Elementary School. I could see that the children themselves were satisfied with the depth of their learning. I am very grateful to you. As an educational researcher, I will continue to take on these meaningful challenges in the future. I am very happy to have had such a wonderful encounter with you at the end of 2021."

   Urban Planner Akira Tamura, who is now in heaven, would have been delighted to know about the activities of teacher Sakai and her children. Since I received a teacher license of high school social studies (geography and history) at the age of my 60, I could recognize her enormous efforts to prepare the series of lessons.  It can be a success if the children have found something in the lesson that they could remember, even if only a little one. As adults, we want to do our bit for the children who have something in the future.





小学校四年生に出前授業 Visiting class for the fourth graders















(文責:田口俊夫 NPO法人田村明記念・まちづくり研究会副理事長)





新たな都市課題 A new urban issue









After listening to the first and second commemorative lectures, which are being held online as part of Yokohama's 50th anniversary celebrations of urban design, it struck me that the question is whether these initiatives are personal or organizational. In the first session, we heard about the city of Yokohama, and Shunsuke Iwasaki and Naoyuki Kuniyoshi talked about the start-up of the Urban Design Section of Yokohama City, while in the second session, Yoshi Miyazawa and Shinichi Yoshimura talked about the approach and history of water and green urban design activities. However, if we look at them a little differently, we might argue that the success of these projects was due to a particular set of people in Yokohama at a particular time. In other words, the question is whether the kind of urban design described in the lecture is possible and required in Yokohama today. We believe that it is necessary to critically inherit the urban design of the past in order to take a constructive view of the present. I think there is no doubt that the City Urban Design Section was filled with unique talents. Cross-departmental collaboration by coordinative mechanism within municipal administration has been identified as one of the most important elements of urban design. This was a theme that came up frequently in both talks, and there was recognition that we are probably better placed than ever to achieve this. On the one hand, if urban design is too impersonal, the continuity and development of the urban design activities will be lost; on the other hand, if it is too systematically regulated, it will become too rigid. In other words, it is not possible to say that the enhancement of the system itself will immediately lead to an ideal fulfillment of urban management. If we expect urban design to innovate well beyond the rule of fixed duties (i.e. amorphous fluidity), it is necessary to have people with attractive ideas, a system to support them and a system that is not rigid. It may be easy to describe in words, but I got the impression from both lectures that the Urban Design Section has a very big homework to do. Starting from the theme of "planning and coordination" by Akira Tamura, what role has been given to urban design according to change of the times, and could it not have been a different role? Isn't there a need for such a historical examination?  (Atsuhiro Aoki)




NPO五周年記念誌の発行 Publication of the fifth anniversary of our NPO


As a commemoration of the fifth anniversary of our NPO since it establishment in April 2015, we have published a book written by our members. You can visit the PDF freely. 





地球環境時代における企画調整機能 Coordinative mechanism in global environmental age


























久しぶりの対面形式の研究会 Open meeting in person after a long period of interruption because of Covid 19















田村明の都市デザイン Akira Tamura's Urban Design

秋元康幸氏(元横浜市職員、横浜国立大学特任教授)からの依頼で、BankART Schoolで「田村明の都市デザイン」を語ることになった。2021年9月23日(木)夜7時半からBankART Station(みなとみらい線新高島町駅)で、十数名の聴講生を前にして1時間半ほどお話しした。都市プランナー田村明がいつの時代から都市デザインを意識したのか、がある。そして、横浜市で岩崎駿介などの都市デザイナーが企画調整室に入る前、槇文彦などの外部専門家をどう活用しのか、も問われる。かつ、田村の企画調整活動の中で、都市デザインの位置づけと役割は如何なものだった、のかもそれ程明らかでない。



At the request of Mr. Yasuyuki Akimoto (former Yokohama City official, special professor at Yokohama National University), I was invited to give a talk on "Akira Tamura's Urban Design" at BankART School on Thursday 23 September 2021 at 7.30pm at BankART Station (Shintakashima-cho Station on the Minato Mirai Line). I spoke for about one and a half hours in front of a dozen audiences. There are several questions regarding Tamura’s understanding of urban design; when is Akira Tamura first became aware of urban design, how did he make use of outside experts such as Fumihiko Maki before urban designers such as Shunsuke Iwasaki joined the Planning and Coordination Department in Yokohama City? It is also not so clear what the actual position and role of urban design was in Tamura's planning and coordination activities.

In conclusion, Tamura understood the importance and its potential of urban design from the early 1960s, and was considering the use of urban design specialists in comprehensive planning. However, in order to respond flexibly to the ever-changing situation in the bureaucracy, he began to think that he really needed an expert within the administration. At the end of 1970, Iwasaki came back from studying at Harvard University. Tamura wanted to organize an urban design team in his department and Iwasaki shared this idea with Tamura. By the time Tamura was replaced by the new mayor in 1978, the city had attracted a diverse group of urban designers by that time. Since then, in the absence of a planning and coordination department directly linked to the mayor under Tamura's leadership, the urban design functions were severely limited, I presume.





日本建築学会大会でNPO会員が論文を発表しました Our NPO members addressed papers at the AIJ conference



At the annual conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan held on September 7, 2021, Kenji Asakawa and Toshio Taguchi, members of NPO, presented "A Study on the Policy Intentions of Local Governments in Utilizing the Development Control Zoning System" and "A Survey on the Utilization of Relocated Sites in Relation to the Project for Collective Relocation of Small and Medium-Sized Inland Factories to the Landfill Site in Kanazawa, Yokohama" respectively. In particular, due to the development control zoning system established by Akira Tamura in 1970, Yokohama is still functioning as a city coexisting with greenery (urban agriculture, civic forest, large scale park) after 50 years. In the future, research on the fact that Tamura and his colleagues used this development control zoning system with "policy intentions" will be carried out, and will be reported as appropriate.





インドの都市計画専門誌に論文が掲載されました Article published in Indian Journal of Urban Planning

インドとオランダを拠点に編集発行される都市計画専門誌で、世界の都市問題と都市計画分野の最新記事を集めた”myliveablecity (MLC)”に田口俊夫論文が掲載されました。田口論文は38ページからです。プロフィールが7ページにあります。戦後横浜の都市づくりにおける、飛鳥田市長と田村明の役割を書きました。この執筆の機会を頂戴した編集長のMr. Shyam Khandekar(シャム・カンデカール、オランダで長年都市計画事務所を経営)と編集作業を手伝っていただいたMr. Bruce Echberg(ブルース・エクバーグ、オーストラリアメルボルンでアーバンデザイン事務所を経営)に感謝したい。実は両名共に、田口の英国留学(マンチェスター大学大学院アーバンデザインコース)の同窓生で、田口のNPO活動に賛同してくれています。記事には以下のURLでアクセスしてください。

Article published in Indian Journal of Urban Planning

Toshio Taguchi's article has been published in "myliveablecity (MLC)", a journal based in India and the Netherlands, which collects the latest articles on urban issues and urban planning from around the world. Taguchi's article starts on page 38. The profile is on page 7. I wrote about the role of Mayor Asukada and Akira Tamura in the post-war urban development of Yokohama. I would like to thank the editor-in-chief, Mr. Shyam Khandekar, who runs an urban planning firm in the Netherlands for many years, for the opportunity to write this article and Mr. Bruce Echberg, who runs an urban design firm in Melbourne, Australia, for his help with the editing. Both of them are alumni of Taguchi's graduate course in Urban Design at the University of Manchester, and are supporters of Taguchi's NPO activities. Please access the article at the following URL.






田村眞生子さま『鉄線花』Makiko Tamura publishes “Tetsusenka”



This year, at the age of 91, Makiko Tamura is still very energetic in mind and has published a collection of her haiku poems and essays entitled "Tetsusenka." As a spouse of Akira Tamura, she has given great support to the establishment and management of our NPO. In her haiku, which she has loved for many years, she beautifully expresses her memories of her husband and her life in Izu. We would like to share some of them with you on our website.





松本得三を知っていますか Do you know Tokuzo Matsumoto ?



Do you know Tokuzo Matsumoto?

There were three men who supported Mayor Asukada's liberal city administration: Masayasu Narumi, the deputy head of the Planning and Coordination Department, Akira Tamura, the head of the Planning and Coordination Section of the Department, and Tokuzo Matsumoto, the head of the Urban Science Research Section of the Department. All three are now deceased, but the philosophy and passion they left behind for future generations still faintly exist today. Of the three, Tokuzo Matsumoto, a former reporter for the Asahi Shimbun, aimed to create a local government administration that cared for every citizen. In June 1971, he became the first head of the Urban Science Research Section, which promoted an administration based on empirical data for the Planning and Coordination Department led by Tamura. In the process, as a citizen himself, he aimed at fostering administrative staff with an analytical perspective on citizens' daily lives, and was admired by many young staff. We have asked people involved in Matsumoto’s activities to share their memories of those days and what the planning and coordination function was that Tamura and his colleagues were aiming for. We have also included some material related to Matsumoto. Please visit the website of our NPO.




ニューヨーク高速道路問題と田村明の結びつき Akira Tamura and his connection with the motorway issue in New York City

ニューヨーク市における1960年代高速道路問題に関する田口俊夫の研究論文が、日本建築学会の審査に通り「日本建築学会計画系論文集」に掲載されたのでご報告します。田村明研究とニューヨークとの結びつきは、唐突な感じがするかもしれない。NYマンハッタン島南端のSOHO地区に計画され断念されたロアーマンハッタンエクスプレスウエイLower Manhattan Expresswayは、1968年に推進派のロバート・モーゼスRobert Mosesと反対派のジェーン・ジェイコブズJane Jacobsが、ジョン・リンゼイ市長John Lindsayを巻き込み激しく対立した事案であった。一方、田村は横浜都心部で首都高速道路を地下化する事案の調整を進めていた。横浜では、市民要望を受けた飛鳥田市長の強い意向もあり、田村たちの粘り強い関係機関の調整を経て、都市景観に配慮した高速道路の「地下化」が合意された。NY市ではリンゼイ市長による地下化の案と半地下部分の上空利用を想定した「複合開発Joint Development」構想が提案されたが、実施されなかった。横浜が使われなくなった運河を再利用できるのと異なり、NY市では既存の街区を破壊して高速道路用地を生み出すしかなかった。当時のNY市における交渉過程を、NY市公文書館が保管する報告書や内部文書を発掘し、あわせてNew York Timesの新聞記事を経年的に検索して明らかにした。本研究の目的は、田村による横浜での事案が、実はNY市で同時代的に類似事案があったことを示すことで、田村の世界的な文脈での位置づけを図ることにある。


We are pleased to announce that Toshio Taguchi's research paper on the 1960s motorway issue in New York City has been reviewed by the Architectural Institute of Japan and published in its journal. The connection between Akira Tamura's research and New York City may seem strange: Lower Manhattan Expressway, planned at the SOHO district, the southern tip of Manhattan Island, was abandoned in 1968. The Lower Manhattan Expressway was the subject of a bitter confrontation in the 1960s between proponent Robert Moses and opponent Jane Jacobs, involving Mayor John Lindsay. Meanwhile, Tamura was coordinating the undergrounding of the Metropolitan Expressway in the central part of Yokohama. In New York City, Mayor Lindsay proposed an undergrounding plan and a "Joint Development" plan that would use the above of the open-cut. But this was not implemented unlike Yokohama, where disused canals could be reused, in New York City the only option was to destroy existing city blocks to make right-of-way for the motorway. The process of negotiations in New York City at that time was clarified by excavating reports and internal documents kept by the New York City Archives, and by searching New York Times newspaper articles over time. The purpose of this study is to show that Tamura's case in Yokohama is compatible with the one in New York City in their global planning context.







鳴海正泰訃報 Masayasu Narumi passed away


Masayasu Narumi, who was said to be a policy adviser to Yokohama Mayor Ichio Asukata, passed away on 14 February 2021 at the age of 89. Masayasu Narumi was a researcher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Research Association (a union-affiliated think-tank, different from the Tokyo Municipal Government Research Association) before moving to Yokohama in 1963 at Asukata's request as deputy director (section chief) of the research office in the city's general affairs bureau. He remained there until 1978, when Asukata left the city. Asukata was supported by three able individuals - Narumi in politics, Tokuzo Matsumoto in research and Akira Tamura in urban planning - who put into practice the innovative city planning for citizens. Unfortunately, this obituary was only published in the local edition of Asahi Shimbun, and not in other major newspapers. Narumi wrote many articles, but there is no academic research which clarified his real image yet. Future research is expected.





昔の写真 Old photos of young people

It is a quite rare opportunity to find out and get photos of people belonged to the early days of the Planning and Coordination Section, and especially photo of Akira Tamura when he was the head of the PCS has not been available for decades. This time thanks to Mr. Atsushi Naito’s donation of his old photos, we can have a look of Akira Tamura in his busy days and his young staffers who were working with a full of enthusiasm and dreams. 企画調整室の昔の写真と田村明の同時代の写真を得ることは、これまで大変に困難なことでした。この度、内藤惇之氏(1969年から1978年まで田村の企画調整時代に一貫して在籍)のご厚意により、内藤氏が写真を寄贈いただきました。ありがとうございました。





企画調整局解体 Dismantling of the Planning and Coordination Bureau



よこはま庁内報 No.267 19827月号(620日発行)全職員配布

編集:庁内報編集委員会 発行:横浜市市民局市民活動部広報課





The below is the official view published on the column named "Target" of the domestic bulletin distributed only for city employees in 1982 when the Saigo Administration (1978/1990) dismantled Tamura’s “the Planning and Coordination Bureau” after the previous mayor Asukata left the city in 1978 leaving Akira Tamura, his most trusted chief planner. The announcement was made during the International Conference on Urban Development YLAP co-hosted by the United Nations ESCAP in July 1982. As a member of the secretariat of the international conference, I was very puzzled and disappointed, because I was trying to convey the “planning and coordination function” to the world. It is obvious that the interpretation by the unknown author of the “planning and coordination function” is ambiguous: the sentence said “beyond the originally planned planning and coordination function,” but it did not say what the originally function was. Perhaps the author didn't understand it, either.


Yokohama City Hall Bulletin No.267, July 1982 (issued on June 20), distributed to all city employees

Edited by: Agency Bulletin Editorial Committee Published by: Public Relations Section, Civic Engagement Department, Civic Affairs Bureau, Yokohama City


Target: Expectations for the New Planning and Finance Bureau


As part of the recent organizational reform, the Planning and Finance Bureau was established. Actually, this is the first organization of its kind in a designated city, with the only example being in Saitama Prefecture. This is a unique bureau that will have both the planning and coordination functions, which are fundamental to city administration, and the financial functions, and will assist top management. With the establishment of the new bureau, there has been a lot of concerns among the administrative staff as to the specific scope of its work and how it will relate to the other bureaus and districts, but I believe that Mayor Saigo's aim in creating the Planning and Finance Bureau can be summed up in the following two points. One is the purification of the planning and coordination functions and the sharing of functions with each bureau and district, and the other is the expectation of dynamic financial management. The Planning and Coordination Bureau so far has gone beyond the originally planned planning and coordination functions and has now taken a step further into the actual implementation of projects. Aside from the merits and demerits of this move, it has made the scope of the division of functions between the Planning and Coordination Bureau and the other Bureaus unclear, and in some ways it has discouraged creativity and ingenuity in the other Bureaus. As the "Yokohama 21st Century Plan," which the city has been working on with all its functions, enters the implementation stage, the Planning and Coordination Department has taken the opportunity to reassert its original planning and coordination function, and has been assigned the role of managing the progress of the 21st Century Plan and leading the basic direction of the city government without error. It is truly a timely move. The planning and implementation of specific projects will be the responsibility and ingenuity of the bureaus in charge, and this will provide a good opportunity to motivate the staff as well as to improve the planning ability of the current bureaus. On the other hand, in order to steadily carry out the projects outlined in the Yokohama 21st Century Plan, adequate financial resources are needed, and as we enter a period of low economic growth worldwide, fiscal management in the future will require proactive efforts that look to the future and a flexible stance that can respond quickly to changing circumstances. In this sense, fiscal management also requires the precise insights and sound sense of balance that are required of the planning function, and this requires that the planning and coordination departments and the fiscal department overcome the sectionalism of their existing fiscal functions and complement each other's strengths and weaknesses and pool their wisdom. One of the factors that will determine the success of the new bureau is whether or not the planning, coordination, and finance departments can work in unison without being bound by sectionalism. The birth of the planning and finance bureau is attracting the attention of all staff members, and now that the personnel changes have been completed, I hope that the bureau will quickly establish its structure and demonstrate its outstanding leadership.






世界の出版界の頂点 Pinnacle of global publishing community

20209月に田村明著『都市ヨコハマをつくる』(中公新書1983)をNPOの事業として英訳刊行した。NPO会員や田村明につながる人々にお配りしたが、早速、世界の頂点から反応があった。英国の人文社会科学系専門の大手出版社であるルートレッジRoutledge社の「都市計画・歴史・環境シリーズ」“Planning, History and Environment Series”でその編集長のアン・ラドキンAnn Rudkin女史からである。彼女と9月中旬から二か月間に亘って、出版企画のやり取りをした。ことの発端は、英訳本を進呈した国際都市計画史学会IPHS会員で東京理科大学名誉教授の渡辺俊一先生より、ジョン・ゴールド教授Professor John Goldを紹介され、ゴールド教授が自分より優れた編集者としてラドキン氏を紹介してくれたことによる。ラドキン編集長は英訳本の内容を高く評価してくれたが、日本のことを全く知らない読者向けに高度な学術論文を紹介文Introductionと詳細な注釈をつけることを求められた。それに応えるには田口では「役不足(英語表現では「田村明に近すぎる」)」とされ、出版を断念された。残念ではあるが、2か月間に亘るやり取りで、ラドキン編集長の誠実な人柄を感じることができた。なお、当該シリーズは、世界の著名人が書く極めて質の高いもので、世界の出版界の「最高峰」ともいえる。このような破格の場を垣間見る機会を提供していただいた渡辺俊一先生とゴールド教授に感謝したい。これで、田村明が世界に通用することが分かり、かつ世界の出版界の一端を見ることができた。そして、他の可能性を模索するためにも、田村明を日本の都市計画史上で位置付ける学術論文を早急にまとめる必要がある、と感じている。益々頑張りたい、と思っている。なお、このシリーズのサイトは以下で見ることができる、



In September 2020, we completed an English translation version of Akira Tamura's book " Yokohama: The Making of a City" (Chukoh Shinsho, 1983) as a project of a non-profit organization and distributed it to NPO members and people connected to Akira Tamura.  All of a sudden, we received a response from the top of the world, Ann Rudkin, editor-in-chief of the "Planning, History and Environment Series" of Routledge, a leading British publisher specializing in the humanities and social sciences. I, Toshio Taguchi as a representative of NPO, exchanged with her for two months from the middle of September to discuss the publication plan. This all started thanks to the initial advice given from Professor Shunichi Watanabe, a member of the International Planning History Society (IPHS) and professor emeritus of the Science University of Tokyo. He kindly introduced Professor John Gold, one of his friends of IPHS, to me and then Prof. Gold had a chance to talk about the book with Ann Rudkin who is an able editor. Rudkin highly appreciated the contents of the English version and saw a possibility to set it as a candidate of her publication projects. Therefore, she asked me to provide an extensive historical introduction and detailed notes necessary as a highly academic book for readers who were completely unfamiliar with Japan. I was deemed "not good enough" (or "too close to Akira Tamura" in English) to respond to the request, and thereafter the book was abandoned for publication. Nevertheless, I could feel the sincerity of the editor-in-chief's personality during the two months of correspondence. The series in question is of extremely high quality, written by world-renowned figures, and can be considered the "pinnacle" of the world's publishing industry. I would like to thank Prof. Watanabe and Prof. Gold for providing me with the opportunity to get a glimpse of the top of the world as an unparalleled opportunity. This has convinced me to see that Akira Tamura is world class and meaningful even in the world's publishing community. I also feel that I need to compile an academic paper on Tamura's place in the history of Japanese urban planning as soon as possible to explore the next publishing possibilities. I will work harder on this project. Lastly, the website of this series by Rudkin can be found at the URL as follows:


https://www.routledge.com/Planning-History-and-Environment-Series/book-series/PHE?pd=published,forthcoming&pg=1&pp=12&so=pub&view= list





古い知識の新たな役割 A new role of old knowledge




The city of Yokohama is planning to build and operate a theater dedicated to ballet and opera. The facility will include a 2,500-seat hall and a creative support center for production and dancer training. The annual cost of maintaining this facility will be 4.5 billion yen, which is a huge sum. I wonder how much it will cost to build it, maybe tens of billions of yen... Construction will be funded by city bonds and maintenance will be paid for by city taxpayer’s money. It is not that I am opposed to the promotion of the arts, but I wonder if Mayor Hayashi is counting on this revenue to receive some from the IR casino, which is supposed to be a way to compensate for the much-reduced tax revenue, but is the real reason for his "hobby"? In the past, urban planner Akira Tamura (Director General of Yokohama City Planning and Coordination Bureau, 1968/1978), with whom our NPO has been conducting research, established a company called “Yokohama Stadium Corporation” with equity investment from the citizens of Yokohama at the time of the planning of the Yokohama Stadium, at the request of then Mayor Asukata. In exchange for donating the completed facility to the city, the city came up with the idea of granting the corporation the exclusive right to use the facility. You can read more about this in Akira Tamura's book "Toshi-Yokohama-wo-Tsukuru" (Chuko Shinsho, 1983). If you need an English version of this book “Yokohama: The Making of a City,” you can read it on our NPO's website https://www.machi-initiative.com/yokohama-the-making-of-a-city/. If the facility is truly necessary, it should proceed with the consent and cooperation of the public. The wisdom of this is found in the old Yokohama.







Now we publish an English version of Akira Tamura's famous book, "Toshiyokohamawotsukuru, YOKOHAMA: THE MAKING OF A CITY, "  for the free use of general public. You can download it from our website. We hope you can enjoy it, thank you.





Under the society of COVID-19 a new style of joint research activity コロナ危機の中での新たな共同研究の姿


Under the COVID-19 we hope everybody is safe and happy. Because of the current difficult situation we cannot open seminars in person. Despite this environment we have started a new style of research activity together with outside scholars on the internet regarding a new tentative theme " A possible form of holistic local issues solution system derived as a connotation of Yokohama's planning and coordination section." Akira Tamura, director of the Planning and Coordination Section, tackled various issues concerned with citizen's everyday life besides the famous Six Spine Projects and Local Land Use Control through extensively using the results of social planning research. As we understand, Tamura's theory and method was useful during the 1960s and 70s, and it could also be utilized even after the 2020s.





Yokohama's New City Hall 新市庁舎訪問


Today I went to the New City Hall, high-rise tower by the Ohka river and the Harbor, and climbed up to the 29th floor where my familiar Division has their new office. Shocked and also surprised I was at its new style of office security system, since people and/or citizens cannot enter the office sections. It is possible that people can go up to the intended floor, however, from where they are not allowed to enter the office and have to walk around the corridors aimlessly or suspiciously. When recalling the old days of my career at the urban design team in the 1970s, many strange people, architects and planners or citizens or unknown research scholars, visited our tiny office space without any invitation and had an enjoyable and sometimes inspiring conversations for hours. This kind of informal interactions could help new ideas evolve towards new challenging team spirit that may be indispensable when tackling urban issues. I really hope that officers of the Division would maintain their informal atmosphere and enjoy such meaningless conversation with suspicious people as before.







ネットミーティング Net meeting

Under the current corona virus environment, we made ourselves have a net meeting from home. Today three of us that would attend the planned conference of the International Planning History Society to be held in Moscow this summer made critical observation on each paper. It was originally to prepare ourselves for the conference, however, it has been decided to postpone the conference to the next year because of the corona virus. We used full two hours for it and found very rewarding.






かおり閉店 Close of French restaurant Kaori


A French restaurant "Kaori" will be closed at the end of  April this year since the City Hall is to move to the new place. It was Tamura who decided to set the old and popular restaurant loved by Yokohama people at the City Hall maily used by the city officials still bein open to the public for the last fifty years. One of my favorites is "Curry with pork cutlet" which I loved and came often to eat. Goodbye to Tamura's favorite, thank you for a long time.





New Publication 田村明出版計画

Publication plan to commemorate the fifth year of our NPO establishment; we are planning to publish a book about Akira Tamura and the brief history of our organization until the end of this year of 2020. The articles will be written by our members who have various concerns and perspectives, and also include papers addressed by eminent scholars, practitioners and retired city officials at our previous sessions. We would like to clarify Akira Tamura and his dreams more.






建築コントロール制度と田村明 Building Control Measures by Tamura

地曵良夫氏(元横浜市企画調整局)「都心部強化事業と環境設計制度を活用した開発指導」"Yokohama's central business district revitalization projects and its building control measures by Akira Tamura" by Mr. Yoshio Jibiki





A detailed explanation about the Building

Control Measures applied in Yokohama since its 1960s until the present was made

by Mr. Jibiki, ex-official of the Planning and Coordination Bureau headed by

Akira Tamura, at his lecture held as the monthly meeting of NPO Tamura and delivered on December 17th ,2019. He was greatly impressed by Tamura’s

philosophy and strategy to utilize laws and regulations and also invent new

measures on his initiative.





1954年の丹下?と田村 Professor Tange ? at Tamura's house in 1954





ニューヨーク調査報告 A research visit to NYC

Now I am in New York, doing a research work about the Lower Manhattan Expressway and the Lindsay administration who terminated its project for ever. Among reseach scholars, this subject has been only discussed on viewpoint of the relation of Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs who battled for a decade with their totally different planning philosophies. However, after their leave from the stage of this project in 1968, it was not clear how the Lindsay administration had conducted its planning process of this highway project and finally reached the decision to end it. This time I have come to the assumption that mayor Lindsay had tried to become independent on local initiative over proceeding the project for New York City, since I have attained some related date and documents from the achives of Department of Records & Information Services, NYC. I will open them when I finish my dissertation about this subject to be submitted to the International Planning History Society. By Toshio Taguchi

いま、ニューヨークにいます、実に有益な旅でした。ここに来ないままで、国際都市計画史学会IPHSへの提出論文を書いていたら、大きな恥をかいていたはずで、内心寒気がします。Lower Manhattan Expressway(“Lomex”)をロバートモーゼスMosesとジェーンジェイコブズJacobsの関係だけから見る本や研究ばかりですが、実は二人は1968年にこの件の舞台から去っている。リンゼイLindsay市長によるLomexの廃止宣言は1969年ですから、「空白の1年間」があります。当然、行政内部は盛んに「ある検討(”JointDevelopment”という高速道路の上空利用)」を進めていて、それが結果としてダメになった、ということですが、外の人にはわからない。その市長声明文を見つけ、それに結び付く1968年からの二つの調査研究報告書も見つけました。ほとんでNY市の公文書館(NYC Records & Information Services)に日中いて、情報を引き出そうとしていました。そして、それをもう一度検討して、再び必要書類を探しにいく、そんな毎日でした。この事案は、それまでMoses主導で進められていた計画を、Lindsayが市長の下に引き戻した「自治体の主体性」の問題ともいえます。同時代、1968年の横浜では飛鳥田・田村が国から行政運営の主体性を取り戻し、高速道路地下化問題を解決した。リンゼイ市長が高速道路計画廃止宣言をしたのは、1969年5月4日です。横浜でも建設省の正式な方針変更が出たのが同じ5月です。結果として、ニューヨークは高速道路建設に失敗したが、横浜はどうにか成功した、と評価します。NY市ではリンゼイ市長の下で、アーバンデザインチームがまとめ役となっていた雰囲気です。横浜の田村もアーバンデザイン的発想をもっていた。面白い話の展開となっています。詳細は、帰国後に報告会で。(田口俊夫)





横浜の都市デザイン行政を振り返る Reflection on the history of Yokohama's urban design







都市計画学会でポスター展示 Poster presentation at the City Planning Institute of Japan

At the annual conference of the City Planning Institute of Japan since Nov. 8th until 10th held in Yokohama, our organization was given an opportunity to present our posters and leaflets to the participants. We are very grateful of the special treatment provided by the Institute, thank you.






横浜・佐世保での都市デザイン Urban design in Yokohama and Sasebo








Toshio Nishiwaki, ex-urban designer of Yokohama, talked about his experience working with Tamura since the 1960s until the early 2000s. Despite the relatively short term of work, eight months, under the leadership of Tamura at the famous Planning and Coordination Bureau, he could observe how the local planning system worked well and/or needed timely coordination. Since Nishiwaki had a career of architect/planner in private practice, he could understand the both sides of public and private communities. He had worked at several important projects such as conceptual design of the Kohoku New Town centers, management of the Kanazawa seaside housing development planning/design and others. After having worked for twenty three years at the city, he was then requested to move to the Sasebo city government as the chief urban designer in 1999. During his office of seven years there, Tamura one time visited him and expressed his support over the town making efforts by Nishiwaki. Although now Nishiwaki has retired completely, he yet hopes urban design activity to become a useful tool for town making all over the country.





横浜都市農業の現状と未来 “Urban Agriculture of Yokohama, its now and future” by Minoru Hirayama





Urban agriculture of Yokohama is a product of strategic planning, never the one left over by laisser-faire planning. Mayor Ichio Asukata and Planner Akira Tamura had advocated this philosophy since 1968 onwards that even densely built up urban area needs farmlands for not only farmers but also urban dwellers, though the then national government strongly opposed to this local independent policy. In 2015 the new act, “Urban Agriculture Supportive Act”, was enacted by the national government to enhance urban farmland which they claim the necessity of urban life. It took half a century that people understand the value of urban griculture.








Research interview of Koichi Nagashima concerned with the Research Project on the Citizen’s Government of Zushi on September 2nd 2019 長島孝一氏へのインタビュー調査報告






建築学会での発表Presentation at AIJ


Participated the annual conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan held at the campus of Kanazawa college of technology, Kanazawa of Ishikawa, and spoke about a thesis regarding our NPO organization


日本建築学会の北陸大会(毎年全国で開催される学会の大会、今年は金沢市の金沢工業大学キャンパスで開催)で、当NPOの活動を「都市計画史人物アーカイブ」の試みとして、副理事長の田口俊夫が論文を発表しました。論文の詳細は別紙をご覧になってください。当日は20名弱の聴衆(すべて大学等の研究者)を前に、当NPOが2015年に設立されてから継続している田村明と横浜のまちづくり研究と研究に際して収集した資料の、当NPOのWebsiteでの公開活動を紹介しました。他のアーカイブが豊富な資料を基に活動していることに比べ、当NPOは何も持っていません。田村明が蔵書以外に、横浜市で活動した当時の資料を一切残さなかったため、研究活動で新たに田村明に係る資料を収集整理するしかないのです。あえて言えば、”Virtual Archives”とも言えます。会場には建築家・大高正人のアーカイブを運営されている研究者もみえて、今後の連携の可能性について話し込みました。それにしても、暑かったですね・・・


Taguchi talked about our NPO’s challenging activities since 2015 onward to research Akira Tamura and collect useful information related with Tamura and his achievements. Compared with other famous archives conerning eminent town planners of Japan, we do not have anything to be transferred from Tamura who did not possess documents or materials related with his town planning activities. Therefore, we call ourselves “Virtual Archives” or “an archive with nothing to possess.” The college campus where the conference was held is a famous masterpiece designed by Ohtani Sachio, one of disciples of Kenzo Tange, that is well maintained despite long years passed since its construction.





自治体学会堺大会に参加 Local Administrators Society

A report of participating the poster session held in Sakai, Osaka, as the annual conference of the Local Administrators Society, Jichitai-Gakkai, on Saturday, August 24th 2019.

Taguchi and Okutsu, members of the NPO Akira Tamura, attended the poster session and explained participants of the conference about the recent activities and results of our organization. Although many customers were not expected for the most time, the special occasion during the lunch break while so many people came and listen may be an exception for us and other presenters alike. Okutsu made an impressive speech to the audiences and explained our commitment as a new virtual archive regarding Akira Tamura and his works.







NYCとYKCの高速道路問題、市民の政府論勉強会の発表 Two presentations regarding highway issues of NYC and YKC and Zushi City from Tamura's citizen's perspective

Does coordination mean a compromise by the Japanese understanding ?

by Toshio Taguchi  発表者:田口俊夫


While planners are always searching better solutions for town planning activities, they become conscious of the need to coordinate tangled issues among concerned parties. We, Japanese people, are tend to use the word of coordination in good meaning in order to reach an acceptable result for most people concerned, however, it might be different in the American society. Some people may say that there is no grey area, instead clearly cut such as black or white, in that society. Akira Tamura, the chief planner of the City of Yokohama in 1968, succeeded to make the project of the new urban motorway partly undergrounded and rerouted through relentless negotiations with concerned parties. It is an issue as to how we can call it a success of coordination or a result of compromise. At the same year Jane Jacobs beat Robert Moses on the citizen’s opposing movement against the Lower Manhattan Expressway project in New York. They did not try to reach a compromise, neither a coordination among the state and city governments and the citizens. They claimed that they did not want any highway in the middle of their residential district. Then in 1970 an American scholar, who was very young at that time and later became a dean of law school, wrote a dissertation to figure out the necessity of coordination machinery within public authority that should work having with different views but economic effects for people.







Visit to Nishiyama NPO 西山文庫訪問

Taguchi and Sekine, members of Akira Tamura NPO, visited Uzo Nishiyama Bunko (library) NPO in Kizgawa, Kyoto, on July 5, 2019. We were impressed by the Bunko and its management as to the size and volume of materials they possess. Although our Tamura NPO has no historical documents left by Tamura, we are determined to conduct empirical research on achievements by Tamura in order to disseminate Tamura into the global stage.









 西山文庫の主な活動は、資料の整理と公開、会員へのレター発行(年3回)、セミナー・「夏の学校」開催、すまい・まちづくり関連学位論文の収集・公開、そして出版です。貴重な資料を目当てに、若い研究者が訪ねてきます。また、デルフト工科大学のカローラ・ハイン教授のように海外から西山の業績に注目する人も現れ、教授による西山の主要論文の英訳本(Reflections on Urban, Regional and National Space : Three Essays)も出版されました。











Progressivism of Yokohama Urban Design has been transmitted or not ? 横浜都市デザイン行政の革新性は継承されたか

A meeting that evening was full of constructive opinions and also pros and cons of Aoki’s viewpoint concerning “the Creative City of Yokohama” movement started from the early 2000s. It was said that the Creative City movement is consisted of three components such as creative core (arts and design), national art park concept (remodeling of the waterfront districts by arts), and visual arts production. Aoki pointed out that although some scholar proclaimed its transmission of the basic concept from Akira Tamura’s planning theory and practice in the 1960s into the Creative City movement, but in reality not transmitted from Tamura. However, Aoki acknowledged that the movement has contributed to the sustainable redevelopment of the urban activities, although the movement lacked citizen’s participation. It may be true that some leading officials concerned with the initiation of the movement were disciples of Tamura. Despite the movement was expected to transmit the style of integrated administrative management done by Tamura, it covered limited part of Tamura’s philosophy. All participants of the meeting hope that Aoki will corroborate his theory in the near future.













政治家市長と官僚OB市長 Politician mayor and Bureaucrat mayor



講師:南 学





ケニアからの報告 A life in Kenya















越谷からの報告 A report from Koshigaya

当NPO会員の若色欣爾さんより、かつて越谷市で田村明さんが講演した記録をお送りいただきました。越谷市にも了解をとっていただき、今回公開することができました。以下は、その紹介文です。In 1998 Akira Tamura addressed the forum held in Koshigaya, Saitama Pefecture, ommemorating its 40th anniversary of city status. Mr. Wakairo, our NPO member, has made its document open by obtaining an approval from the city administration of Koshigaya, thank you.






会長 若 色 欣 爾  


本市は今年で市制六十周年を迎えました。 20年前に実施されたこのフォーラムは本市が21世紀に向けレイクタウン事業を始め、さまざまな都市整備事業が進められており、市民も街づくりに関心のあった時期でした。








本市は都市整備事業が一段落し、新たなまちづくりビジョンが求められている時期に来ています。折しも来年度に策定される第五次総合振興計画では田村明先生が提唱する真の市民政府の自治体として、先生がこの講演で言われた我が町の歴史風土を再検証し、生活者の視点から住むに値する、越谷らしい長期ビジョンを作る必要があります。 その意味でもこの基調講演はもう一度読み返す価値があり、20年前のものですが決して褪せることのない越谷市にとって貴重な指針と考えています。





静岡マチ見学会 Group visit to Shizuoka

Shizuoka is a commemorative place that young Akira Tamura lived and learnt at the old Shizuoka High School during the last war. We visited the university archives, where we found the old group booklet written by Tamura and his friends at the factory in Kawasaki during the war as student workers seconded from the Shizuoka school. Despite the severe conditions during the war, this booklet was made without censorship by the police and is full of honest opinions of young students of the time. Appreciations to Professor Tobe in charge of the archives.








姫路勝原地区の150年 A history booklet published by Mr. Miki

Katsuhara district of Himeji city has a long 150 years history. Mr. Motohiro Miki wrote the history of his district highlighting its public school and local prominent figure, Kumajiro Tatsukawa who in the early 1910s published a series of popular books among local people called "Tatsukawa Bunko." Miki is one of good friends for Tamura, and whenever Tamura visited the Kansai region he had good company with Miki.









田村眞生子様宅訪問 A visit to Mrs. Makiko Tamura


Five members of our NPO organization visited the apartment of Mrs. Makiko Tamura situating on the Izu hill overviewing the Pacific Ocean and the archipelago of Izu islands on the 13th of April 2019. She is the chief supporter of our NPO and recognizes the importance of global activities to communicate the results of research on Akira Tamura.





NPO総会記念講演A commemorative speech regarding Akira Tamura and his father Kotaro

A commemorative speech regarding Akira

Tamura and his father Kotaro delivered by Mr. Fumiaki Koshi at the annual

convention of NPO Akira Tamura on the 10th of May, 2019


Akira Tamura is not a theorist by nature. We presume that Tamura is instinctively a practitioner. By having read all books in the National Diet’s Library written by Kotaro Tamura, one of the top salesmen at the NCR (Cash register machine company) in Japan, and also Akira’s, he concluded that Kotaro hide his subjective stance in order to become a universal person on human nature, but Akira kept his subjective stance all in his life as a practitioner of urban planning. Koshi pointed out the lack of respect on Akira’s books to the previous works done by other scholars. According to Koshi, some new planning terminologies such as Machizukuri (Town-making) or Toshinogyo (Urban Agriculture) are not attributed to Akira, though some other scholars had invented them before Akira did.


Although we welcome critical analysis on Tamura and his work, it can be presumed that an important point is not who started to use those words but is who really applied those new ideas into actual practice. Among the academic society it may be important to become a winner on the competition to find out something new. On the other hand, among the practical society it is necessary for urban planners to use those new ideas under actual and hard circumstances for the benefit of citizens. Practice seems slightly different from academic competition.


Lastly, young boys of Tamura family members attended the session and made remarkable replies expressing appreciation to the efforts made by Koshi to investigate their great grandfather’ history.









高速道路地下化研究会 Meeting about undergrounding of the motorway in Yokohama

The meeting held on April 22nd 2019 was full of critical eyes with strong enthusiasm what the real story of Tamura’s first job of undergrounding the motorway in the middle of Yokohama was. All participants ranging from a high school boy of 17 years old to a highly elderly person of 89 years old listened carefully to the speaker Taguchi’s explanation. That evening we welcomed a research expert called “Fanatic Taiyo baseball team fan” who knows about historical details of the motorway history of Japan very well. Later he kindly advised Taguchi a further research on this issue. All in all this meeting was a great success. The presentation made by Taguchi will be finalized as a dissertation later on. Thank you.






江別からのお便り A news from Ebetsu, Hokkaido


Akira Tamura had a good friend, Mr. Hideto Ishigaki, in Ebetsu, Hokkaido. Whenever Tamura had a chance to visit Hokkaido, he dropped in on Ishigaki who worked at the Ebetsu city administration. Ishigaki organized a voluntary town-making society among local government workers. He kindly sent us very precious information and documents regarding Tamura and acknowledged to let them open to the public, thank you.










下河辺アーカイブス訪問 Visit to Shimokobe Archives

Last week on a normal business afternoon, Chihiro Tamura and Toshio Taguchi of our NPO Tamura visited unique archives named “Shimokobe Archives” http://www.ued.or.jp/shimokobe/ managed by a thinktank and located in the middle of Tokyo’s business district, Toranomon. Atsushi Shimokobe is an innovative bureaucrat and planner of the central government that organized the national development schemes being targeted to locate industrial development areas all over Japan since early 1960s. We have to acknowledge that archive is an entity of digital network that provides information of processes by historical person’s thinking, though the office size is not a problem no matter how it is big or small. However, this room is packed with lots of documents and books, therefore only a small desk is placed for an archivist. We have to recognize that this archivist and her supporter have been sorting out enormous documents in order to find out the processes of Shimokobe’s thinking that have been made open to the public on internet. We admire their great job that needs years or decades for the general public to understand its value. Lastly it is necessary to understand that an

action to place small stone on the ground would lead to a pile of stones in the


先週、田村千尋理事長と田口が東京虎ノ門にある「下河辺アーカイヴス」http://www.ued.or.jp/shimokobe/ を訪問した。都市計画研究機関としても老舗の開発構想研究所が、その社会貢献の一環として運営しているアーカイブスである。アーカイブスとは、歴史的に著名な人物の個人的記録を保存しつつ、デジタル化して一般に公開する組織を指す。都市計画でも外交でも、歴史的事実は結果だけ明らかになり、その「思索(又はその調整)過程」が明らかになることは日本ではなかった。個人のメモなどは実に貴重な歴史的資料になるのだが、その意識がまだ日本にはない。このアーカイヴスには、その小さな部屋に濃密な資料とデータがつまっていた。国の官僚として国土計画を立案推進した下河辺淳は、それぞれの仕事のフィールドは異なるが、田村明の親しい友人でもあった。下河辺や当該アーカイヴスについては、是非、当該サイトを訪れて一見してほしい。唯一のアーキビストとして頑張る女性が長年の積み上げで作り上げたデータの一端を見るだけでも、歴史は「思索過程」によって作られていることが分かる。当NPO田村明研究会も微力だが、頑張っていきたいと願っている。





米国アトランタ国際会議への出席報告 A report of participation in global conference held in Atlanta, USA

This is a report written by Mr. Toshio Taguchi, vice-president of our NPO, that attended the international conference entitled “Comparative Urbanism: Global Perspectives” held by the Urban Studies Institute of Georgia State University during two days of March 7th and 8th in Atlanta, Georgia State. Taguchi’s role at this conference was to address a joint dissertation regarding “Capture Land Value for Building Infrastructure: comparing China and Japan” with Mr. Nannan Xu, Chinese post-graduate student of British Columbia University, Canada. During the sub-session, Professor John Marshall, chairperson of it, made a kind comment about Taguchi’s paper focusing its early successful examples of town planning such as the user-pay scheme applied as a method of capturing land value increase along the subway construction of Midosuji, Osaka, and our progressive land control measure of Local Development Exaction system formulated by Akira Tamura. Comparing the cases of the United States, Japan had moved far ahead in terms of planning control practices, he commented. Since Taguchi heard this, he has become convinced that our activities of researching the work of Tamura would have a meaning not only to Japan but also to the global community, thank you.


田口です。先週の3月7日と8日の二日間で、当NPOを代表して、アトランタのジョージア州立大学法学部付属都市研究所Urban Studies Institute主催の国際会議に参加してきました。会議の後に、私的にニューヨークに滞在し、この都市の形成過程の勉強をしています。


さて、この国際会議では、昨年の国際都市計画史学会IPHS横浜大会で知り合った中国人研究者(Mr. Nannan Xu, カナダのBritish Columbia University博士課程在学中、北京出身で30歳)と一緒に、論文発表“Capture Land Value for Building Infrastructure: Comparing China and Japan”「都市インフラ建設における土地上昇価値の公的還元:日中比較」をしてきました。私の担当部分で、核となるのはIPHSで発表した宅地開発要綱で、その前段として日本の土地制度と都市インフラ整備の主体と状況(特に学校建設)について大幅に加筆しました。


国際会議のテーマは、「Comparative Urbanism: Global Perspectives 都市化の世界比較」です。3月7日と8日の二日間で分科会が18もあり、その間に三つの基調講演がありました。参加者は世界中から来ていて200名ぐらいでした。特に、東アジア三か国(中国・日本・韓国、実は台湾もあるのですが、形式上は参加国でないが参加はしている)の都市化比較が注目されたのですが、残念ながら中国人研究者が多数で、日本と韓国はそれぞれ二人だけでした。英語が流暢な中国人研究者の多数は米国やカナダの大学にいるか、その出身者です。中国人研究者でバンクーバー市と台湾の新台北市における容積誘導の事例が面白かったです。ちなみに、韓国の研究者は英国ロンドン大学博士課程でした。英語が「完璧」にできない私は極度の緊張感と共に意思疎通に苦労しました。食事が喉を通りにくい日々でした。当然、お酒は飲みませんでした。


我々の分科会の参加者は少なかったのですが、チェアー(司会者)を務めたジョージア州立大学の教授が田口論文(例の宅地開発要綱論文に戦前からの制度研究を加えたものですが)をえらく評価してくれて、日本は戦前の大阪市御堂筋地下鉄での受益者負担制度を含め、戦後の宅地開発要綱による開発指導などは米国の制度(Development Agreement, Impact Feeといって、権限のない地方自治体が開発負担を求め、事後的に州政府が州法を制定し擁護した)よりはるかに早い、と感心してくれました。




一方、当該中国人研究者(Mr. Xu)と話し込んだことにより、都市計画史を都市計画家の視点から研究する意義を共有できました。中国ではそのような人物がいないようです。あえて言えば、1950年代のソ連と対峙した中国人都市計画家がいたようですが、実務家ではなかったようです。彼も「田村明研究」の意義と、その成果を未来のつなげることに共感してくれました。













A Family History by Chihiro Tamura 田村千尋による田村家の歴史(英語版)





Anecdotes of Minatomirai by Mr. Mori 「みなとみらい・こぼれ話」森誠一郎

A big and happy surprise at the seminar being addressed by Mr. Seiichiro Mori on the 22nd of February 2019; we welcomed a very young participant, high school boy living in Minatomirai, who has read Akira Tamura’s book “Making a urban city of Yokohama”.

The talk given from Mr. Mori, who worked with Tamura during his busy days in the Planning and Coordination Bureau as a transport and planning expert, was very impressive and meaningful mainly because Mr. Mori was a humble person and never concealed anything. He focused his long experience on the project of Minatomirai. Although a huge commitment was made by the city officials left after Tamura resigned the city government, it was the achievement of Tamura that had started everything on Minatomirai project, commented by Mr. Mori.

2月22日に行われた森誠一郎氏による「みなとみらい こぼれ話」の講演会では、大変に興味深いお話をお聞きできました。また、当日は大変に若い、実は高校生、参加者を迎え、近々89歳になる田村千尋理事長も吃驚するやら、嬉しいやらで温かい雰囲気につつまれました。田村明『都市ヨコハマをつくる』を読んで参加し、みなとみらい地区に住んでいるようです。さて、森さんの講演は、実にフランクで何も隠さずすべてをお話しいただきました。森さんたち当時の若手職員たちが田村さんが横浜を去った後も、頑張り続け世界に誇るマチを作ったといえます。森さん曰く、田村明が最初にみなとみらいの構想を打ち上げなければ何も始まらなかった、田村さんの功績は大である。森さん、ありがとうございました。参加者からも興味深い質問が飛び交いましたが、当日のテープ起こしを待って、公開させていただきます。





赤レンガ倉庫・保存活用事業 Red Brick Warehouse conservation project

Mr. Kanetsugu Endo talked about the process of the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouses project at our NPO’s meeting held on the 1st of January 2019. This pair of warehouses was built in 1907 and the only red bricks among other warehouses in the Minatomirai pier area. All members attended the meeting clearly acknowledged by Mr. Endo’s talk that the dream of Akira Tamura to conserve the pair of Red Brick Warehouses and utilize it for the public could have come true due to a consecutive commitment and efforts by the staff in the city government who shared Tamura’s dream even after Tamura left the office in 1981. The city government received the site and the old buildings on it from the Ministry of Finance in 1992. Then the buildings needed re-enforcement treatment in a large scale and took five years to complete. The municipal policy to utilize them as a new center of culture and entertainments for the public was formulated in 1999 and then the city government nominated private companies to manage the buildings and activities. The newly refurbished site of red brick warehouses was opened in 2002 and since then it has become one of busy spots in Yokohama for citizens and tourists as well. You can observe lots of skaters enjoying on the skating rink built on the courtyard only during the winter season.






YLAP 1982 横浜市と国連の共催による国際会議報告1982年


The actual work done by Akira Tamura during his era from 1968 until 1978 can be seen on the special booklet entitled “ YLAP Yokohama Report” prepared for the international conference held in Yokohama, 1982, supported by the City of Yokohama and in cooperation with the Human Settlement Section of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific, ESCAP. Shunsuke Iwasaki, Director of ESCAP, who organized this conference was ex-chief urban designer of Yokohama city government. You can click the icons of PDF on the corner of Town Planning of Yokohama and download those. Tamura had to relinquish to work for the city government and leave the office in 1981 just before this meeting. However, all the projects and works being presented there were achieved by Tamura and his staff.





田村明にとっての「市民」とは Meeting held to discuss what "citizenship" is for Akira Tamura.




The final book published by Akira Tamura is "Citizen's Government" of 2006. He strongly advocated the theory that responsible citizen essential for autonomy of local government is to be evolved from local resident through conscious involvement to local issues. However, his views towards responsible citizenship had evolved through different eras of his career.



NPO田村明記念・まちづくり研究会 公開研究会 2018年12月18日














・     田村さんにとって決定的だったのは、やはり横浜市企画調整局時代のことであるが、田村さん自身は市民運動と直接対峙することはなかった。

・     横浜市の職員をどんどん出向かせて、現場レベルでのしっかりとした対応が求められた。

・     田村明が「市民」といっても、終始一貫して同じことを意味していたわけではなくて、時代によって意味する内容を変えていったのではないか。

・     飛鳥田市長や田村さんは全市的な意味での「都市」という考え方をしていたが、市民運動の側は必ずしもそうではない場合もあり、かなり限定的な地域の利益を主張することもあった。全体の利益と個別の利益が噛み合わないときに、それは市民運動という形で横浜市と対峙することになったのではないか。

・     田村さんは「市民」とは「自覚した責任と権限を有する」という。つまり「権限」があっても「責任」がないのでは「市民」とはいえないのではないだろうか。日本の場合は特に所有権が強いため、よりよい都市の実現のためには「責任」と「権限」の両方をしっかり持つということが不可欠である。田村さんはそうした意味も込めて「市民」という言葉を使っていたのではないだろうか。





田村明との出会い・思い出に新たな投稿があります A new essay from a member of NPO is published on this corner.

NPO会員の田口俊夫氏より42年前の田村明との出会いについてのエッセイが投稿されました。Mr. Toshio Taguchi, member of our NPO, writes an essay about his memory with Akira Tamura forty two years ago. It was when he just returned from Manchester, England, where he learnt Urban Design.




最小単位としての暖かい家庭、母親力“Power of motherhood as a minimum resource unit of warm hearth” by Chihiro Tamura

Report of the open seminar by NPO Akira Tamura

“Power of motherhood as a minimum resource unit of warm hearth”

By Chihiro Tamura

Tuesday, 27th of November , 2018

This time Mr. Chihiro Tamura, younger brother of Akira Tamura, addressed our open seminar entitled as shown above. Akira Tamura prepared this theme for his study group in Tokyo which learnt Machizukuri, town making, from Tamura’s chairmanship. However, he died before he delivered his speech regarding this theme. Chihiro tried to understand what Akira thought and wanted to tell by this theme. Akira defined this power of motherhood as a minimum resource unit of warm hearth, which could eventually create “good citizen” for the society and local government. Our NPO has a strong concern what Akira Tamura’s “citizen” means and whether it has changed since his term in Yokohama city government or not.










  • 時代がかつての三世代同居から核家族に移行したなかで、最小単位しかない世の中で「暖かい」とはどう解釈すればよいか、おおいに悩む。
  • 母親忠子がなくなった時に、明兄が「これで天涯孤独になった」と妻の前で語ったが、それだけ母親との人生が大事であった、ということかもしれない。
  • 忠子は強い母親であったので、だからより暖かくなって欲しかった、のだろうか。
  • 明兄は体が若いときに弱かったので、一身に母親の愛を受けていた。
  • 千尋さんにしてみると、母親をとられたような感覚となったようだが、お手伝いのシンちゃんがいて、心配してくれる人として存在した。それが「逃げ道」だったのでないか。
  • 戸建て住宅と比べて、集合住宅はドア一つなので、親の権限が強くでるようだ。
  • 明さんは、母親力が分別ある「市民」を育てる、としているが、田村家は強い母親力が兄弟家族をつないでいたが、それがなくなるとバラバラになりかけた。
  • 明さんがいう母親力とは教育論でなく、社会システムを支えるものとして言っているのでしょうね。個人に一番近いのが母親、そして兄弟、外にでて向こう三軒両隣、地区、自治体という順番ですね。
  • 当NPOとしては、田村明がいう「市民」とは何かを重要なテーマとすべきと考えたい。その「市民」がどうつくられていくのか、を探求したい。




Explore footprints of Akira Tamura, evangelist of Machi-zukuri, around Japan and a Meeting with a Machi-zukuri group of Himeji まちづくり伝道師田村明の足跡を訪ねて:姫路まちづくりグループ訪問記

Since 1977, a machi-zukuri group called “ the society of city and administration” has been a voluntary place where young city workers of Himeji city gathered and learnt town-making and positive stance of city administrator. Akira Tamura, renowned city planner, had often visited this group and talked with them. Mr. Motohiro Miki was also a member of this group and escorted Tamura often around Himeji and other towns nearby. This time from the 17th until 18th of October, 2018, Toshio Taguchi, vice-president of our NPO, visited Mr. Miki and other members in Himeji.















